Give more Iso-8!!!

dfields3710 Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
I love MPQ and don't plan to stop playing anytime soon. Its just I'm the type of guy to get more covers of good characters than have the Iso-8 to upgrade them. I know I could buy some more and I do but I don't have that consistency of money flowing in. And I just get fired of completing a PvP only to get 20 Iso-8, its just so annoying. Everything else I have no problem with its just the Iso-8. Thx for taking time to read this and respond.


  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have you checked out Deadpool's Daily Quests yet? It's relatively easy to complete, but it yields a pretty good chunk of ISO-8 per day. In case you haven't yet, I'll explain it a little. Basically, there's five nodes that are split into two paths; one path has three nodes and the other has two nodes.

    In the series of three, the first node only allows the use of 1* characters and yields 500 ISO-8. It's extremely simple, to the point that a lot of forumites only use Juggernaut to clear it. The second node in the series it a Survival Node with two waves; wave one is all goons and wave two is one character with the rest being goons. This node is pretty easy because the levels are pretty low, but the easiest way to go about these survival nodes is use a team like Storm/Magneto or Ares/Thor that can save up a lot of AP and just nuke the character when they come in to play. 2* Black Widow is extremely useful here too, because of her Blue and Purple powers. This second node yields a Taco Token, which is comparable to a Heroic Token (but it awards the 3* characters in rotation for DPDQ's for that week). The last node is a set of three 3*s at around level 70. If you have two or three maxed 2*s this should be pretty doable and it awards 1,000 ISO-8 upon completion.

    The series of two begins with a node with an Essential Character that's a 3*. If you have him, you can play the first node, where you square off against three 2*s, and when you finish it, you get another Taco Token. The second node does not require you to use anything and is a four wave survival node (all goons, all characters, all goons, all characters). Same strategy as above will work - any team you can save up a lot of AP in goon waves and just smash the characters when they come in will work pretty well, especially with Black Widow. Winning this node will grant you a single cover for the character that was required in the previous node. Additionally, finishing all five nodes for the day grants you an additional 2,000 ISO-8.

    So that's a total potential for 3,500 ISO-8 straight up, two Taco Tokens, and a 3* cover every day.

    If you knew about that already, sorry for wasting your time, but there are some other ways to kinda game the system for some extra ISO-8 if you have some time to waste. Lemme know and I can share. icon_e_smile.gif
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Lightning rounds can generate a modest amount of iso too, even if you just go for the 100 point progression.
  • dfields3710
    dfields3710 Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    Thx for taking time out to read and comment I really appreciate it. I do DDQ and make it all the way to the four waves (where I usually get slaughtered) and the iso-8 I get is helpful it's just me I can have a max lvl 94s with Daken, captain marvel, MNM, Storm, Capt America, Classic Hawkeye, Ares and a few others. It's just so much iso-8 going around I barely have enough iso-8 to keep my spot relevant in pvp (mainly at least #75-#100) and as previously stated money is not that consistent.

    So could you help with me by listing the more important characters so I can upgrade them first thx.
  • one suggestion that might be the most helpful for the DDQ is to use the goon levels to save up ap and generate strike tiles, take your time. Also, if you knock out the last goon with an ability or 5 match you keep your turn, and can cripple the incoming heros maybe even taking out a few.

    some hero suggestions:
    OBW is good at stealing ap, prolonging enemy count down tiles and healing.
    hawkeye's redflag.png can be set up to go off if timed right on your first turn fighting the heroes, maybe a few can be set up if you rolling in red and his speed shot can work this way too but is a little more tricky.
    Ares- save red and have him tank once he gets low, sunder can help drop him into range, and unleash 2 or 3 attacks hitting for ~3500-4500 to everyone if you have it maxed.
    ms mavel's blackflag.png can be used with strike tiles to do some serious damage as well if you have enough ap, but use other moves first so you don't drain your useable ap, and her stategic command can help generate 5 matches for hawkeye
    hope this helps
  • also you can play semi conservatively on the first set of heroes, try not to over spend ap, by monitoring their health and ap ( so they don't hit you with a big ability just before they go down). also the second set of goons may be harder to farm ap before downing them, so conserve when possible. the second set of heroes tend to be harder as well.
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    I love MPQ and don't plan to stop playing anytime soon.....

    Try to enjoy the journey the game offers. It does get terribly frustrating that you want to level and play all the new characters right away. That doesn't happen for most of us. We have to slowly play and gather resources, and pick and choose who to level. It's not designed like a console game where you can level and play everyone, without a huge time/money investment.

    Here I am coming up on day 356, and almost to Devil Dino rewards. One day the game will anger me, and another day I'll love it, often both in the same day.

    Check the forums, don't level the lesser characters, unless you enjoy them, and enjoy the point in the game you are at each day.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Remember when PvP fights gave a flat 70 or 140 Iso per battle, and in game Guilds were a common forum suggestion?
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    The iso comes in faster than you think. Just keep playing and follow the suggestions people have made to maximize your iso income. You'll max out those characters soon!
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    The other advice I would give you is as follows;
    • Play lots of PvE. You'll get a lot of ISO, which becomes a rarity later in your playing cycle, so every little bit counts. You can score 2* covers from Progression Rewards, which is always good. You can earn yourself some Boosts and Team-Ups, which you can use in PvP to win a few matches here and there you really shouldn't.
    • Play Lightning Rounds out when you can. These are the best way to get ISO, by far. If you start them at the very beginning, you'll get a fair few Seed Teams (i.e. super easy) and you can get a pretty decent amount of points from them. Progression Rewards are easy to attain. Potential to place for a decent token is pretty good.
    • Learn to effectively grind PvPs. You're not going to place in PvP for awhile (and you shouldn't be able to), but, the good news is, PvP is still a great score of covers and income for you --- you just have to learn how. 2* covers drop randomly from PvP fights and they drop at a pretty decent rate (I covered three 2* just from random drops basically alone). You're going to hit a point, probably pretty low (around 300 I would guess, if not lower) that you can't win anymore. Pick a node and lose. The great thing about low level characters is they recover really fast, and by losing your MMR ("Match Making Rating") goes down and you'll start seeing lower level nodes again.
    • Play the Shield Simulator. This is a great way to get lower level covers really early. You get a cover every 50 points until 300 and another cover every 100 points after that (other than a few Hero Point prizes, but those are invaluable! You want those.), even granted a few 2* at 1600/1700/1800/2000/2100/2200 points and two 3* at the very top at 2300/2400. Chances are you won't be able to get 2* covers at first, but solidifying your 1* roster is the first step.
    • Last but not least, join a public Alliance. It doesn't seem like much, but the bonus ISO is fantastic, and if your Alliance does well enough, you might even get free covers at the end of an event. If you find yourself outperforming your Alliance mates as a whole, go looking for a higher ranked one. Always keep moving forward.