Improve the Matchup System

Since rubberbanding was taken away, I haven't been able to find anyone I can win against in PVP after the first few hours. I just keep getting attacked over and over again and loosing points, with no way to win them back. I think this is probably happening to other two star or below players and if so, I think the matchup system should be improved. A good way to do so would be separating players into brackets based on their character level. For example, players with characters over level 100 could be put into a bracket and players with character under level 100 could be put in a separate bracket. Then players with lower levelled characters sould actually have a chance to win. There is nothing fair about having level 50 characters and being pitted against people with level 200 characters.


  • Haha. Just posted this a minute ago. I totally agree
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    To my knowledge, rubberbanding never existed in PvP.

    The points you score have always been derived from some formula using your current score and your opponent's current score.
  • Then your knowledge is wrong. Look up mpq and rubberbanding and you can see that it has existed before.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Then your knowledge is wrong. Look up mpq and rubberbanding and you can see that it has existed before.

    Yeah, no I think you're just misusing the term man.

    Rubber banding refers to point accumulation being amped up the further behind the leader you are. That has never occurred in PvP - only PvE. PvP has always calculated the points you'll get for a win by evaluating your score against the score of your target. The leader isn't taken into account (unless you're targeting the leader, that is).
  • Well, maybe so, but I'm just using it how I have seen other people use it. For example "First, the Simulator has ended and utilizing rubber-banding and some seriously on and off grinding I was able to place 1st overall and picked up my third Invisible Woman cover" ( ... -is-coming). There are a lot of other people who I've seen refer to it as that, though a lot of other people call it tanking. I guess the term tanking is probably the correct one, but there are still people who call it rubberbanding. Whatever the term is, in PVP what I'm referring to is how people used to be able to put in a weak team and loose on purpose. This would lower their MMR, which in turn lowered the levels of their opponents as they lost points so that they could then get opponents that they could beat. The points lost were usually less than the points gained back so they could climb through the rankings this way. I have never done this on purpose, but the big decrease in MMR really helped because I constantly get attacked by players way above my level. Now with the decrease in how much MMR is lowered, I just keep getting attacked, but then I am still up against higher level players so I can't earn any points back. And as I have seen in various places around the Internet, this was a big problem even before this change. The match system needs to be improved in some way so one and two star players don't get discouraged and give up on the game.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Well, maybe so, but I'm just using it how I have seen other people use it. For example "First, the Simulator has ended and utilizing rubber-banding and some seriously on and off grinding I was able to place 1st overall and picked up my third Invisible Woman cover" ( ... -is-coming). There are a lot of other people who I've seen refer to it as that, though a lot of other people call it tanking. I guess the term tanking is probably the correct one, but there are still people who call it rubberbanding. Whatever the term is, in PVP what I'm referring to is how people used to be able to put in a weak team and loose on purpose. This would lower their MMR, which in turn lowered the levels of their opponents as they lost points so that they could then get opponents that they could beat. The points lost were usually less than the points gained back so they could climb through the rankings this way. I have never done this on purpose, but the big decrease in MMR really helped because I constantly get attacked by players way above my level. Now with the decrease in how much MMR is lowered, I just keep getting attacked, but then I am still up against higher level players so I can't earn any points back. And as I have seen in various places around the Internet, this was a big problem even before this change. The match system needs to be improved in some way so one and two star players don't get discouraged and give up on the game.

    Arondite is correct here, rubberbanding is a PVE term and your quote is from the Simulator PVE. It's waiting until scores have been escalated and then earning more points from your nodes to catch up.

    Tanking is/was used in PVP to lower your MMR and find easier opponents (although I can't verify this still works).

    Everyone hits that wall during transition, it's just part of the game. I'm getting close to making the 3* transition after about 5 months of play and I still can't get much further than around 550 points in PVP, usually I hit that wall right around 500. The best course to go is to get the progression rewards you can, 300 or 400 is nice for the token and HP, and simply bide your time using DDQ and PVE to enhance your roster so that it will be viable in PVP someday.

    It sucks, but everyone goes through it and the people winning now have simply earned it by surpassing this stage of the game.
  • I can't even hit that sadly. Whenever I can manage to do that I will follow your advice. Thanks. But anyways, my point is it shouldn't have to be that way. Games should be fun, not frustrating. Things should be improved if they suck. I know if they improve it it will probably be a fair bit down the line, which will most likely be too late to help me, but it will at least help newer players. So that is my aim in saying this.
  • Loftus
    Loftus Posts: 79 Match Maker
    That would deter people from levelling their covers and building their roster though.

    I'm a 2 star.png player and i love the format. I've managed to get 2nd in a PVP event once and a few top 10 finishes. It's tough but when you manage it, the rewards and achivement feels great.

    I have more issue with people paying for shields than i do getting matched against higher players. All the latter does is give me an incentive to continue strengthening my team so i can defend against more players.

    It might be time to extend the reward brackets though. I have no issue finishing lower down in the rankings, but giving out some HP and maybe the odd 3 star.png cover to players outside of the top 100 would be nice.

    I just got a 400 finish in the Mind Games event after winning 20+ matches, rewarding me with 2 standard tokens and just over 100 ISO-8. Might be nice to increase the size of the reward brackets somewhat.