Deadpool Daily Quests - Round Seven - Mar 20 to Mar 24

Welcome to round seven of Deadpool's Daily Quests! Main post will be updated each day with the enemies we'll be facing and the cover reward.

Covers for this round will be Thor (Red), Captain Marvel (Red), Ironman (Red), Magneto (Red) and Black Panther (Blue) Iron Fist and Ragnarok are vacationing on a beach somewhere.

And here's where things get weird.
The entire Marvel Puzzle Quest constellation of characters has had to move into one large and sprawling shared-living compound. Because reasons. Go with it, it makes as much sense as any of the official MPQ stories.
As the characters live together, laugh together, love together, and rend limb-from-limb together, they learn more about each other – and themselves. A touching, poignant, heartbreaking look at the secret lives of those that live in….
…The Marvel Puzzle Quest Compound.
Serial One - Barbecue

Episode One:
That Guy From That Place -
Storm** (15), Criterion (10), Criterion (10)
Immediately upon moving into the compound, Storm is seen arm in arm with a pair of Criterion mutants. They headed out into the garden shed where our cameras couldn’t follow. What happened in that shed? Why did one of the Criterion come out giggling like a little girl? Why did Storm leave with a rather impertinent smirk? We may never know, but stay tuned!

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Subject (20), Empiricist (22), Control (25), Control (28)
Wave 2 Criterion (40), Criterion (42), Magneto*** (50), Control (46)
Magneto was determined not to be outdone by Ororo, and tried to drag off a total of seven miscellaneous cannon fodder mutants into the kitchen pantry. All we know about what went on in there was that they started singing “99 bottles of beer on the wall” at ten thousand, and counted down through every one.

Third Time's The Charm -
Deadpool*** (74), Magneto (70), Wolverine*** (71)
Deadpool suggests a karaoke competition. Magneto loses terribly without his backup singers who are apparently still in the pantry drinking vanilla essence. They’ll regret that in the morning. Wolverine sings a heartbreaking rendition of “Mandy”. Deadpool screams out a punk-rock version of “A Whole New World” proving that taste is not only subjective but able to be murdered. Nobody wishes to judge the competition, so Deadpool drops his mic and walks off in a huff.

Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Moonstone** (60), Wolverine** (63)
Wolverine tries to convince Moonstone and Captain Marvel to vote for him in the karaoke competition. Moonstone points out that she could spend months analyzing his song choice and the fact that he had tears in his eyes when he sang. Captain Marvel awkwardly patted Wolverine’s knee as his lower lip trembled. Could this be budding romance in the MPQ Compound? Thor stalks past and snickers at Wolverine, muttering “Nice song, you big girly man.” He then has to spend the next few hours running round and round the house with Moonstone, Captain Marvel and Wolverine in pursuit.

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Thug (99), Hitman (100), Brawler (105)
Wave 2 She-Hulk*** (112), Daredevil*** (111), Beast*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Defender (121), Maggia Don (120)
Wave 4 Hood*** (130), Doctor Doom*** (132), Deadpool*** (131)
“I’m, like, totally the best scientist villain supreme overlord kinda guy. Alllll the minions respect me.”
Imagine those words, delivered in a slurred metallic voice. Doctor Doom found the liquor cabinet and had stumbled drunkenly into a large group of miscellaneous goons playing charades with She-Hulk, Daredevil (apparently he can “see” the movements or something. The others just humor him even though he keeps guessing “Happy Gilmore”), the Hood and Deadpool who keeps muttering about some singing competition thing.
Everyone agrees with Doom, mostly so that they can get away from him – the breath coming from beneath his mask stinks like an old brewery, and he gets a little grabby when he’s loaded. Nobody points out that Doom’s robots are programmed to respect him so it really doesn’t count.

Most Valued Resident: Thor (Red), who was last seen up a tree being shouted at by two girls and a tearful Wolverine.
Episode Two:
That Guy From That Place -
Bagman** (15), Teisatsu (10), Shinobi (10)
Wearing a cunning disguise over his mask Spiderman decides to spy on some ninja training exercises where a couple of Hand are sparring by the ornamental pond. Shinobi calls him over and asks Spiderman why he’s wearing a Whole Foods bag on his head. Spiderman has trouble articulating his reasoning, and the two Hand take pity on him and offer to teach him some “sweet sweet ninja moves” that are guaranteed to, apparently, “make the ladies flow”. Eewww, so gross.

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Shinobi (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Shinobi (42), Beast*** (50), Teisatsu (46)
Noticing that Peter Parker (because who else would wear a paper bag on their head??) is getting some pro-tips from the Hand, Beast approaches the larger Hand training group who have taken over the volleyball court. He spends some time waxing poetic about the fickle nature of players, his inability to prove his worth, complains that everyone in the compound keeps calling him “Sully” and delivers an impassioned plea to the group to train him to become more useful in combat. The Hand are dubious, but say that they will see what they can do.

Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Gorgon (70), Human Torch*** (71)
“It hurts when I do this.” Loki admitted to Gorgon in the living room as he smacked the Human Torch across the knees with his staff. “Well, it hurts him anyway.”
Torch picked himself up from the ground and delivered a fiery middle digit along with some awkward verbal ripostes that have had to unfortunately be censored due to the family nature of the show. Gorgon merely shook his head and observed that insults used to be so much more creative in the old days. Loki nodded in agreement, and together they offered to teach the Human Torch how to insult someone properly in exchange for some help with a big barbecue event they want to put on later.

Dat Required Character -
Black Widow** (64), Hawkeye** (60), Human Torch** (63)
Long before the barbecue is set to begin, the Human Torch has gone “flame-off” to chat with Hawkeye and the Black Widow. Black Widow and Hawkeye don’t really seem too interested in the conversation, seeing as Johnny had to wander into their shared bedroom and sit on the end of the bed while they were, um, putting on a puppet show beneath the blankets. He explained that he needed someone to talk to (response: yes!) and wondered if they could give him advice (response: oh, yes!)
“Should I really listen to the advice of villains like Loki and Gorgon?” he asked plaintively.
“YES! Don’t STOP!” Black Widow replied loudly, her voice muffled. Probably by the puppets, Johnny thought.
Asking if he could stay a while got him the response of (oh baby, yes, right there, right THERE!) so he spent several hours sitting on the edge of the rocking bed in meaningful conversation with his friends.

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Control (100), Grenadier (105)
Wave 2 Psylocke*** (112), Captain Marvel*** (111), Squirrel Girl*** (110)
Wave 3 Commander (122), Control (121), Spy (120)
Wave 4 Nick Fury**** (130), Magneto*** (132), Captain America*** (131)
Nick Fury has called a house meeting to discuss splitting up chores around the compound and to make a rota that will fairly and evenly divide the upkeep of the property between everyone. He is somewhat disappointed that apart from a handful of extras only Psylocke, Captain Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Captain America and Magneto showed up. He’s not surprised when Captain America volunteers to pretty much do anything and everything to “help his country”, or at least, this small part of it. Magneto adamantly refuses to help, stating that this is not a labor camp and Fury is oppressing mutant-kind. Captain Marvel and Psylocke decide to talk to Squirrel Girl about boys, much to the dismay of Nick Fury. Well, mostly boys. Boys and squirrels. It’s a thing. Go with it.

Most Valued Resident: Captain Marvel (Red) for giving Squirrel Girl some very secret advice about men that, quite honestly, we can’t broadcast on the network for fear of FCC retaliation but nevertheless we’re keeping the footage for, uh, research.
Episode Three:
That Guy From That Place -
Bullseye** (15), Brawler (10), Brawler (10)
“Hey, robots. Watch this.”
Bullseye shoots three arrows in quick succession. In the kitchen a plate shatters, the microwave glass door bursts in and Falcon ducks behind a counter as an arrow nearly wings him. The Brawlers agree that Bullseye is totally Best Archer. That psychotic smile makes them feel uneasy, which is an accomplishment for doombots.

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Brawler (22), Brawler (25), Decoy (28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Defender (42), Daredevil*** (50), Decoy (46)
Daredevil wants to impress Elektra. He smells her perfume nearby and challenges a whole bunch of Doctor Doom’s doombots to a dance-off. Unfortunately, the scent comes from Elektra’s scarf, which she left draped over the couch. Daredevil busts a move regardless. A Decoy records his flailing, and uploads it to YouTube under the title “Mating Habits of the Human Male Superhero”.

Third Time's The Charm -
Gamora*** (74), Doctor Doom*** (70), Mystique*** (71)
“I think I ate shomething funny.” Doctor Doom admits to Gamora and Mystique who were chatting about how hard it is to accessorize and plan outfits when your skin pigmentation isn’t normal.
“I feel unshteady.” Doctor Doom is still quite drunk from earlier, and flops down between the two ladies.
“Rub my belly? Doom, like, commandsh it.” he says, plaintively. Doctor Doom is oblivious to the murderous look these two deadly females give him.

Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Human Torch** (60), Wolverine** (63)
“..and then he shot the microwave, the crazy idiot!” Hawkeye gestured toward the kitchen.
“Seriously?” Captain America sighed. “How am I going to heat up my Hot Pockets?”
Captain America sighed and shook his head. He was sure that cold Hot Pockets were un-American. Catching Ironman by the arm, Captain America asks if he thinks cold Hot Pockets are un-American, too, because the microwave has been arrow-shot by Crazy Bullseye. Tony just looks at him with a long suffering expression and sighs before walking on.
Captain America and Hawkeye glare across the room at Bullseye, who is currently alternating between setting the tips of his arrows on fire in Johnny Storm's flames and poking them into Wolverine's arm under the protest of "Testing the healing factor. You know, for science and all that ****."
"We'll do something about this, I promise." Cap says.

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu(100), Muscle (105)
Wave 2 Colossus*** (112), Captain Marvel*** (111), Punisher*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Maggia Don(121), Konran (120)
Wave 4 Deadpool*** (130), Gorgon*** (132), Hood*** (131)
Punisher walks through the gardens of the compound, in the company of Captain Marvel. They take in the scent of the flower beds, and Punisher growls out several complementary sentences that could almost be considered flirting (Producer note: Edit conversation to totally sound like flirting). Could this be a budding romance between Punisher and Captain Marvel? What will Wolverine think? Did Wolverine and Captain Marvel actually have a thing going, anyway? There was that whole knee-pat thing in a previous episode. Man, this reality television stuff is confusing and I’m just an intern that gets paid $1.95 an hour to caption this stuff. I was supposed to go on a date tonight, but instead I’m stuck here in this pokey little back room that smells of tapioca and self loathing. Something something Deadpool blah blah Gorgon, Hood, Colossus (note: Can we translate Russian? Do we have a Russian interpreter, or will we just have the guy speak English? Check his contract.) and a whole bunch of background goons. I hate my job and wish they would take me back at the Taco Shack, but after the Deep Fryer Incident I have a lifelong ban.

Most Valued Resident: Ironman (Red) for not replying to Captain America that overt, blatant and overblown patriotism is un-American because it makes you look like you have something to hide.
Episode Four:
That Guy From That Place -
Captain Marvel** (15), Spy (10), Soldier (10)
It’s now mid afternoon on the first day in the shared compound. Captain Marvel has bribed a soldier and a spy to keep her safe and report to her about Punisher’s movements. He might have said some things. Creepy things. Like, Venom-creepy. Who knew that the hard case Frank Castle was such a letch?

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Spy (20), Sniper (22), Spy (25), Sniper (28)
Wave 2 Pyro (40), Grenadier (42), Ironman*** (50), Pyro (46)
“Hello, my name is Tony Stark, “ Ironman said quietly, in the garage. “And I’m an alcoholic.”
“Hello, Tony.” chorused a mixed group of snipers, spies, pyro’s and even a grenadier. They show nothing but support and acceptance. Tony feels safe here.

Third Time's The Charm -
Hawkeye** (74), Nick Fury**** (70), Captain America*** (71)
Nick Fury, Captain America and Hawkeye are busy complaining about Bullseye and his microwave destroying antics. Nick agrees that cold Hot Pockets are indeed un-American. Hawkeye agrees that Bullseye needs to be shot, killed and buried somewhere in the vegetable garden. Captain America expresses surprise that they have a vegetable garden. Nick Fury says that nobody has volunteered to take the job of tending the garden yet. Captain America proudly offers to tend this patch of American Soil. Nick Fury mutters “Of course you do…”

Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Ares** (60), Human Torch** (63)
“Sooooo, big barbecue coming up tonight.” Human Torch says to Captain Marvel. “I’ll be there, of course. Got a special job, Loki says.”
“Impressive.” Captain Marvel replied in a bored tone. Her eyes scan the crowded house, looking for someone in particular. Her eyes light up as she sees Black Panther comparing muscles with Ares and Luke Cage.
“Excuse me a moment….” Captain Marvel said vaguely to Torch, who is left alone. He wonders whether he should tell Black Widow that he was a little uncomfortable about some of the noises coming from the puppet show she did with Hawkeye earlier that day.

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Control (99), Subject(100), Brawler (105)
Wave 2 Beast*** (112), Luke Cage*** (111), Ironman*** (110)
Wave 3 Criterion (122), Empiricist(121), Decoy (120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Nick Fury**** (132), Deadpool*** (131)
Luke Cage flexes impressively. Black Panther smirks and does likewise. Ironman, refreshed and confident after his garage meeting, flexes his armored suit. Beast flexes his own muscles, but as he’s covered in thick blue fur nobody can tell that there are some pretty well defined muscles under there. Deadpool suggests to Beast that he “go and find Mike and scare some kids.” Beast is confused. Doctor Doom is approached by Nick Fury, who suggests that he slow down his drinking a little. Doctor Doom replies that he “hashn’t been drunkerizing for, like, hoursh now, totally get off my back man, you’re harshing my buzz.” A collection of minions watches the flex-off, hoping to one day be included in that sort of Super Event rather than just be background characters.

Most Valued Resident: Black Panther (Blue) for starting a flex off that, as the afternoon wore on, involved body oil, tape measures and a mixed tape labeled “McLovin”. Also, props to him for using enough oil that Captain Marvel couldn’t keep a grip on his arm every time she tried to “Teach him a Hypersonic Punch Technique”.
Episode Five:
That Guy From That Place -
Magneto** (15), Subject (10), Subject (10)
It’s evening of the first day in the shared compound, and Magneto has pulled aside a couple of Subjects to preach freedom and superiority of the mutant species. They nod and agree to pretty much everything to get him to shut up at this point – they can smell the roasting pig and are ready for the barbecue event.

Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Subject (20), Criterion (22), Control (25), Empiricist(28)
Wave 2 Subject (40), Criterion (42), Spiderman*** (50), Criterion (46)
“I was shown some pretty sweet ninja stuff.” Spiderman bragged to nobody in particular. “See, you just swing your arms like this, and…”
Spiderman ends up in a crowd of mutants, doing a rather poor version of the Chicken Dance. Somewhere in the darkness of the evening, a Shinobi giggles and takes pictures. Prank successful.

Third Time's The Charm -
Spider Man*** (74), Magneto*** (70), Mohawk*** (71)
Magneto and Storm, concerned for Peter Parker’s image, pull him aside and explain to him that the Hand taught him the Chicken Dance, not “sweet ninja moves”. Spiderman, brow furrowed in confusion, asks “Does that mean the Gavotte isn’t right either?” Both of them assure him that the Gavotte is a fine dance, but should definitely not be confused with a garrote which is a killing tool. Peter takes notes and wonders if he can find his paper bag again…

Dat Required Character -
Black Widow** (64), Bagman** (60), Thor** (63)
“Peter? Please come down. It’s not as bad as you think.”
Black Widow stands beneath a particularly gnarly and odd tree, up in which Spiderman perches with a bag on his head.
“I’m so ashamed.” Spiderman sighs. “I’m a fool. I’m a loser.”
“Only when you're speaking.” Magneto says as he strolls past. Black Widow gave him a dirty look.
“I Am Groot.” says the tree. Black Widow jumped back as Spiderman screamed like a little girl and fell out of the ‘tree’.

The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Muscle (99), Thug(100), Analyst (105)
Wave 2 Punisher*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Hulk*** (110)
Wave 3 Criterion (122), Empiricist(121), Decoy (120)
Wave 4 Thor**** (130), Black Panther*** (132), Sentry*** (131)
It’s the event of the season – or at least, the event of the day – as the population of the MPQ Compound gathers together around a large fire pit for fun, friendship, drinking, singing and the consumption of delicious roast pig.
Punisher, a little confused as to why Captain Marvel has been avoiding him this evening, complains to the Hulk about the confusing feelings he’s experiencing.
“I even used poetry.” he complained. “Shall I compare thee to a C14 Timberwolf Sniper Rifle? Thou art more shapely and more dangerous…”
Hulk, ever the poet, suggests that “Punisher Smash Marvel”, which Frank took as a really, really naughty euphemism. Sentry and Black Panther eye each other warily over the fruit salad bowl. After their encounter in Whack-a-Mole or whatever that backwoods bantam country was called, Sentry still hadn’t found a way to apologize. Thor – the long haired one….er…the one with the big….you know…the girl? She and Sentry take turns in rotating the spit. Human Torch, a little put out that his Big Job at the barbecue happened to be actually being the fire pit, vows never to trust Loki again. He’s currently covered in the constant dripping of pork fat and is worried that Venom might be somewhere about. He swears that if he hears someone whisper “Pig Meat…” he’s out of here.

Most Valued Resident: Magneto (Red) because even though he didn't do anything particularly exciting this episode, we're contractually obligated to mention him at least once a week under the Mutant Television Rights Act. So, um, yippee?

The barbecue is a great success; everyone went to bed happy (though Carol Danvers was slightly puzzled that she did end up going to bed alone that night smelling of body oil and disappointment. She couldn’t seem to keep a grip on anyone.) and eventually the Human Torch was allowed out of the fire pit and into the shower. Nine bars of soap and some industrial grease remover was missing from the house the next morning. He wanted to complain to someone about Loki, but Black Widow and Hawkeye were doing that puppet show again and he’d seen it once already.

Will Spiderman keep himself bagged away from the world? Will Punisher figure out how to flirt without referring to his arsenal? Will the puppet show be a daily event? Will Carol find true love? Stay tuned for next week's exciting serial, where the Marvel Puzzle Quest Compound residents have to deal with an insidious and nefarious foe!


  • This is incredibly annoying. Iron Fist and Ragnarok should have shown up this week. Instead, I've got to stockpile tokens for another ten days.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    This is incredibly annoying. Iron Fist and Ragnarok should have shown up this week. Instead, I've got to stockpile tokens for another ten days.

    Sorry Ben!
  • I'm really annoyed we aren't getting Iron Fist.

    Btw, Magneto was also done in round 1, so his cover is unknown.
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,471 Chairperson of the Boards
    Didn't we already have Magneto (Yellow) ? IF & Rags didn't come in, and I think CMags & BP were both in the first round. Or my memory may also be a bit fuzzy.
  • dearbluey wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    This is incredibly annoying. Iron Fist and Ragnarok should have shown up this week. Instead, I've got to stockpile tokens for another ten days.

    Sorry Ben!

    This is your fault, isn't it?
  • KingOzymandius
    KingOzymandius Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    I could have sworn star.pngstar.pngstar.png Magneto was already done in the Deadpool Daily too, I think even in that first set of five characters as Black Panther. Until we see what cover the Black Panther day rewards, we should mark Magneto's cover down as (?) too, shouldn't we?

    Regardless, when one or the other comes up, that should tell us whether the Daily will always reward covers for the first power for each character, or whether it rotates. Technically, even if BP and Mags reward Yellow, we won't know for sure that it's not D3 using their borked RNG again for making decisions.

    And if the next set has the other three characters from the set of five used in the introductory Daily, that should tell us whether the character selection is fixed or constantly changing. Who were they again? Cage, R&G, Gamora?

    EDIT: Answered my own question. The first set of five characters was Black Panther, Magneto, Rocket & Groot, Luke Cage, and Mohawk Storm. It could very well be that next rotation's characters will be R&G, Storm, Luke and two of the characters featured in Round 2. We'll know in a few days.
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    maybe i can understand IF not being in but why exclude rags? not that he is that important but its not like hes new and hasnt been in the in the vault for months. i dont mind, id rather restart and start getting (hopefully) second power covers and mags and bp are certainly on my need list. head scratch. icon_neutral.gif
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    dearbluey wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    This is incredibly annoying. Iron Fist and Ragnarok should have shown up this week. Instead, I've got to stockpile tokens for another ten days.

    Sorry Ben!

    This is your fault, isn't it?

    Absolutely. I had a quiet word with the devs, slipped them a quarter and whispered that I'd be grateful if they just "did, like, whatever man".
  • dearbluey wrote:
    Welcome to round seven of Deadpool's Daily Quests! Main post will be updated each day with the enemies we'll be facing and the cover reward.

    Covers for this round will be Black Panther (?), Captain Marvel (Red), Ironman (Red), Magneto (?) and Thor (Red)
    ** Currently a little lost, as I wasn't expecting to see already done characters pop up just yet. Iron Fist and Ragnarok are on vacation it seems. We'll see what Panther ends up as. Thanks for the reminder on Magneto.

    Actually iron fist i could have sworn was one of the first characters done... I remember missing him because i didn't have a comic for him yet.... What REALLY disappoints me is i was going for a rotation in comic not just the first one over n over... Kinda have a chance to fill the gaps if you have two but are missing one... For example... Psylock i have 4 redflag.png and 4 blueflag.png .... Would be awesome to get the blackflag.png and fill the set and i already have 5 blackflag.png for blade and punisher so that doesn't help at all... Oh well
  • dearbluey wrote:
    Welcome to round seven of Deadpool's Daily Quests! Main post will be updated each day with the enemies we'll be facing and the cover reward.

    Covers for this round will be Black Panther (?), Captain Marvel (Red), Ironman (Red), Magneto (?) and Thor (Red)
    ** Currently a little lost, as I wasn't expecting to see already done characters pop up just yet. Iron Fist and Ragnarok are on vacation it seems. We'll see what Panther ends up as. Thanks for the reminder on Magneto.

    Actually iron fist i could have sworn was one of the first characters done... I remember missing him because i didn't have a comic for him yet.... What REALLY disappoints me is i was going for a rotation in comic not just the first one over n over... Kinda have a chance to fill the gaps if you have two but are missing one... For example... Psylock i have 4 redflag.png and 4 blueflag.png .... Would be awesome to get the blackflag.png and fill the set and i already have 5 blackflag.png for blade and punisher so that doesn't help at all... Oh well

    Iron Fist hasn't been up yet. First week was also called "Yellow Week" because all five characters used their first cover which happened to be yellow.
    We don't yet know if it will be "first one over and over" or random, or whether the plan is to switch from first cover to second. We'll be able to make that assumption this cycle once Magneto and Panther have had their day, and solidify the assumption next cycle as more repeat characters come up with whatever their covers happen to be.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards

    You made a mistake with Iron Fist, again. We get that, it happens. You corrected your last one.

    You can CORRECT this one as well! We've already seen CMags, take him out of the rotation and put in IF. Problem solved!

    You wouldn't WANT your players to think you are being cheap and stingy, having them wait the entire rotation of DPD for IF and then skipping it, right? I mean, you have thirty 3*'s - why wouldn't they all rotate the first color before moving on to the second?

    Just imagine the uproar if the next set of five you move on and no one got their chance at the first color for IF! Well, you can easily FIX that now, early on, before that problem comes up!

    (Skipping Rags no one will care about that much....)
  • thanos8587 wrote:
    maybe i can understand IF not being in but why exclude rags? not that he is that important but its not like hes new and hasnt been in the in the vault for months. i dont mind, id rather restart and start getting (hopefully) second power covers and mags and bp are certainly on my need list. head scratch. icon_neutral.gif

    My guess is that they didn't want anyone getting his blue covers before the PVE was over, and if he was in this week, people would have started pulling him from Taco tokens starting today.

    The most annoying thing about this to me is that I've got ten saved up from two weeks ago, I don't need anyone in this round, and chances are I won't need anyone two weeks from now either. I had been hoping to use the saved ones for Iron Fist and Ragnarok, since I need covers for both. Is there a limit to how many taco tokens you can stockpile? I thought I remembered someone reporting weird behavior with them.
  • I was a little surprised by the absence of IF and Rags too, but I think I can see why they did it.

    Rags has been vaulted for what seems like forever. Many players are only just now getting the chance to get him in PVE (Including myself) so having him show up in DDQ before these people got the chance to earn him would suck.

    IF, Im betting they are holding off because of the changes coming for the character and wanting to avoid giving him out to people that are might sell him. Trying to manage the potential headache of the buyback process.

    I'm predicting they will both be in the next round, along with the other three characters missing from the first round since the next round starts after the changes and the current PVE ending.
  • I sincerely hope we're moving to second-covers a BP yellowflag.png I couldn't use ina taco, and 3*Thor redflag.png I couldn't use today. Doesn't look good.
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    thanos8587 wrote:
    maybe i can understand IF not being in but why exclude rags? not that he is that important but its not like hes new and hasnt been in the in the vault for months. i dont mind, id rather restart and start getting (hopefully) second power covers and mags and bp are certainly on my need list. head scratch. icon_neutral.gif

    My guess is that they didn't want anyone getting his blue covers before the PVE was over, and if he was in this week, people would have started pulling him from Taco tokens starting today.

    The most annoying thing about this to me is that I've got ten saved up from two weeks ago, I don't need anyone in this round, and chances are I won't need anyone two weeks from now either. I had been hoping to use the saved ones for Iron Fist and Ragnarok, since I need covers for both. Is there a limit to how many taco tokens you can stockpile? I thought I remembered someone reporting weird behavior with them.

    you can get rags in the current DA pve event tokens and they gave everybody three of those. i got rags in one of them (green). i appreciate the position youre in with your mature roster but like alot of short timers that have one rag (i have two now, wheee!), from the daily resupply on day 60, it would be nice to start building him up, but im not really concerned. the sooner they start with second powers, the sooner ill get more useful covers than rags anyway.
  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Ok, I get how we tell who are coming up based on the tokens, but how do we know ahead of time that IM40 and Marvel will be red?
  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    Yasuru wrote:
    Ok, I get how we tell who are coming up based on the tokens, but how do we know ahead of time that IM40 and Marvel will be red?

    they are the last two of the 33 3*s that will be giving out top power covers before they hopefully begin cycling through second power covers.
  • yea Black Panther and Magneto already were prizes early on, hopefully they are row 2 covers. I think Thor may have been too. I remember getting a redflag.png cover in the early weeks. But it may have been an event pull.
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    mike h wrote:
    yea Black Panther and Magneto already were prizes early on, hopefully they are row 2 covers. I think Thor may have been too. I remember getting a redflag.png cover in the early weeks. But it may have been an event pull.

    2/18/2015 Black Panther Yellow
    2/19/2015 Magneto Yellow
    2/20/2015 Storm Green
    2/21/2015 Luke Cage Yellow
    2/22/2015 Rocket & Groot Yellow
    2/23/2015 Spider-Man Yellow
    2/24/2015 Daredevil Purple
    2/25/2015 She-Hulk Blue
    2/26/2015 Deadpool Red
    2/27/2015 Gamora Green
    2/28/2015 GSBW Green
    3/1/2015 Loki Black
    3/2/2015 Daken Purple
    3/3/2015 Squirrel Girl Yellow
    3/4/2015 Doctor Doom Black
    3/5/2015 Mystique Purple
    3/6/2015 Hulk Green
    3/7/2015 Falcon Yellow
    3/8/2015 Psylocke Red
    3/9/2015 Beast Blue
    3/10/2015 Capt. America Yellow
    3/11/2015 Sentry Red
    3/12/2015 Punisher Black
    3/13/2015 Blade Black
    3/14/2015 Wolverine Green
    3/15/2015 Human Torch Red
    3/16/2015 Colossus Yellow
    3/17/2015 Cyclops Red
    3/18/2015 The Hood Yellow
    3/19/2015 Doc Ock Blue
  • thanos8587 wrote:
    Yasuru wrote:
    Ok, I get how we tell who are coming up based on the tokens, but how do we know ahead of time that IM40 and Marvel will be red?

    they are the last two of the 33 3*s that will be giving out top power covers before they hopefully begin cycling through second power covers.

    We will have to wait and see. That BP and C.Mags were the first 2 to be offered gives me hope of a second cover cycle beginning in 3 days. Of course that hope could be false and we go back to 1st cover again. That IF and Rags were left off the list sucks too, are we seriously going to go through 33 more characters before we see them?