R72: Incorrect TU upscaling in Dark Avengers Heroics

Team-ups earned in battle are supposed to scale up to the average level of a player's 4 best characters, but this is not working in the current Dark Avengers Heroics PvE event. Here is an example:

Sub-Event: Diversion
Node: Professor X (essential node)
Enemies: L82 Yelena, Soldier, Soldier
Team: L70+60 Professor X, L90+30 Thor2, L90+30 OBW
Team-up received: L82 Yelena
Highest levels in roster: L94 Ares, L90 OBW, L90 Daken2, L90 Torch2
Roster available in sub: L90 OBW, L90 Torch2, L90 Thor2, L70 Professor X, L70 Storm3, L60 DD, L50 Squirrel, L40 Torch3

The received team-up should be...
  • ... level 91 if scaling was based on the four best characters in the full roster
  • ... level 85 if scaling was based on the four best characters available in sub
  • ... level 83 if scaling was based on the three characters that were in battle
Since none of the above were observed, one would have to conclude that somehow no scaling (even an incorrect one) was actually applied here at all.


  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's correct. The team-up did not scale any further because Yelena is already scaled up. Her level cap is 40.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    To elaborate a bit, team-ups will only be scaled up if their original levels are lower than the character's level cap in an actual player's roster. So a 1* character will only scale up as high as 40 (or 50 for Iron Man and Storm), 2* characters only to 94, etc.
  • You are right, I missed that line in the patch notes. Carry on then!