Is This Normal?

Weird subject for my first REAL post, but I have never had this happen to me before and wanted to see if it was normal.

I was finishing up the PVP event last night, and I had worked my way up to #21, which for me is HIGH. I even hit all the progression rewards and had around 1100 points (I have screenshots!). However, in the last 15 minutes of the event I dropped from #21 to #137, and dropped all the way to 500-ish points, while WINNING three 45+ point matches. Is that normal? I mean, I'm not a huge fan of Punisher, so I wasn't all that upset, but still.

Now, I suspect the answer might lie in some of the weird business I saw during the event. I kept on getting matched up against a lvl 80 Doom, 94 mnMags, and 94 cStorm team for 40+ points. I bet I saw that matchup 10 times. Are the two things related? Thanks for any insight, folks. I appreciate it.


  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not normal unless you were unshielded and got hit a ton. You should submit a ticket to CS and include as much info as possible including the screenshots. Instructions are here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1274

    Also, moving this to the bugs forum as it's definitely not normal.
  • Thanks so much, Mr. Madrox. I'll do just that.
  • woodlandwood
    woodlandwood Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    the same thing happened to me. i believe they were having some kind of connection issues. i got to 900+ beating on the same mags and storm team as you(i've never gotten close to that many points), when a message popped up that they were giving out some tokens and apologizing for the error. right after that, i got hit for almost 200 points worth of defeats at one time. i then lost a bunch more before i shielded. i almost feel bad for that one guy with the storm mags team because he probably got beaten on hundreds of times.
  • I just heard back from them, they said it was entirely normal. Ah well, just a SUPER unlucky 15 minutes, I guess.