Ragnarok Blue TU ability doesn't heal

JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
I was in a battle, was close to dying, I had a random TU assigned to me... Ragnarok Blue power that will generate Green tiles and Heal for 1100 pts. I used it, generated tile, but character did not heal.

Was this ability specifically designed to heal Ragnarok if he's on your team (can you even use it if he's on your team?), or should it heal the active character? I believe your code has it looking for Ragnarok to heal IF the Team Up heals at all.

Kind of bummed, I even used it with 2* Thor as the active character.



  • It should heal Ragnarok and generate some charged green tiles. If Ragnarok isn't actually on your team, it will only do the charged tiles part.