enough of the qq, honesty is the best policy

We knew the nerfs were going to happen, the devs balanced the game the one thing they did wrong was hide them where no one looks. Be honest 4thor was op so was iron fist who I bought due to that. But pvp will still be fine and continue. The issue is pve and it's gotten worse, it controls your life and when they say they'll fix it they double up on nodes, 3 hours turns to 8 turns to grind all day everyday with the perfect roster or lose out, that's the main issue in my book. People scream bait and switch it may be true

Bait and switch happens time and time again, it's not just the characters it's the game itself controlling your life. They know this and will continue it before you put down your credit card and say enough enough. Till then have mindless arguments. If your free to play or pay to play, we need each the other or this game does not exist.

they fixed a a lot with deadpool daily. Give them time or not more will be fixed. Or the game ends..With us

Honesty is the best policy, hiding it with a sale will burn folks more then anything. Be honest or lose your game is all any or most of us ask, we will move on will you devs?


  • Any bad grammar is due to my phone sorry in advance trying to fix over time icon_e_smile.gif