Must have zero tolerance policy for cheating/hacking

As a new player, one who has already spent some coin on this game as well as committing a good deal of time and mental energy to the game, I am extremely concerned by the recent posts and complaints about players strongly suspected of using hacks or cheats to repeatedly and quickly attack other players in PVP tournaments to artificially raise their score. it appears to me that aside from a brief comment that the developers can tell when certain kinds of behavior is going on, there has been no response or action taken to prevent this kind of behavior. I am only one person, but I feel certain that considering how important competitive play is to keeping players entertained in this game, a lack of confidence in a fair playing field for all players could be a death knell for MPQ. All the best online multiplayer games have a zero tolerance policy for hacks and cheats, WoW regularly publicizes the fact that players who use bots or other means to cheat the system are summarily banned, lose their accounts, and have to start all over from the beginning, Considering the especially steep and harsh leveling curve in MPQ, a similar policy would be a huge deterrent to anyone who has invested time into their roster. I obviously understand that you could never make public specific actions taken against particular players, but a clear, stickied post in the rules section of this forum outlining what you do to identify and sanction cheaters/hackers in the game would do alot to ease my mind and I'm sure many others.


  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    I'm not sure what you'd be expecting out of such a post. We find a cheater, a cheater is taken out of the player pool. It's pretty simple.
  • IceIX wrote:
    I'm not sure what you'd be expecting out of such a post. We find a cheater, a cheater is taken out of the player pool. It's pretty simple.

    I think it's a response to players like jacobpc and thereck who have suspect play styles and abilities. Like the ability to find you in the MMR pool and beat you, two-to-three times in the same time it takes you to beat them once, with a better or comparable team.

    The fact that they rocketed up the unbracketed elite event scoreboard soon after entering is further suspect - they simply don't play in a way that is credible.
  • IceIX wrote:
    I'm not sure what you'd be expecting out of such a post. We find a cheater, a cheater is taken out of the player pool. It's pretty simple.

    So that means you looked into jakobpc's behavior and found everything in normal order? If so please issue an announcment with that so people can stop talking about it.

    You have logs and played game data to carry out investigation, don't you, where those multi-wins in zero time can be located and inspected?
  • IceIX wrote:
    I'm not sure what you'd be expecting out of such a post. We find a cheater, a cheater is taken out of the player pool. It's pretty simple.
    I don't mean to sound flippant but what I expect is clarity and responsiveness. You personally have impressed me with your presence on these forums and the level of interplay you offer players as a conduit to the developers about ongoing issues in the game. Many players on these forums for some time now have stated their loss of confidence in the fairness of competitive play due to suspected hacking. You stated in a casual manner that you know there's a hacking program out there that allows players to add HP, ISO, and covers in unlimited quantities and specifically referred to the "anti-ban". I expect the company, not necessarily you but a representative, to post clearly what the penalties are for cheating and what the consequences are if people are caught. I know you open yourself up to potential problems by identifying specific players and don't expect anything like that, but a statement that you're looking into these problems would do wonders to ease minds, at least mine. I want to feel confident that you all are doing everything you can to keep the competitive environment on fair and even ground, right now I don't. A little information would go a long way.
  • IceIX wrote:
    I'm not sure what you'd be expecting out of such a post. We find a cheater, a cheater is taken out of the player pool. It's pretty simple.
    the community found two for You - jacobpc and thereck. when can we have a statement that something was done with them?

    I do not mean to be rude, but is the fact that, as jacobpc claims, he spend 600$ on this game the reason why he is not banned yet?
  • walkyourpath

    all impossibly fast, jump up lists in under a minute, always on top of boards.
  • and the rest is silence.... as expected icon_e_sad.gif
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    fayede wrote:

    all impossibly fast, jump up lists in under a minute, always on top of boards.

  • fayede wrote:

    all impossibly fast, jump up lists in under a minute, always on top of boards.
    yeah, yeah, but let's be reasonable.