My solution to the 4* Acquisition issue

spccrain Posts: 249
edited March 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
DISCLAIMER: This is not a flame on D3! This is simply an idea I had at work to increase the flow of 4*. AGAIN not a D3 flame!

Ok I pitched a similar idea to this long before as a way to introduce Deadpool. Now that they've added quite a few more 4*s, introduced survival mode, and nerfed a few more characters the idea actually starts to become viable.

The N.E.R.F (Next Evolution Registration Facility) has been posing as a mutant and cosmic registration agency trying to get all non-humans accounted for and putting their DNA on file. What the evolved don't know is the N.E.R.F Squad is actually stealing the DNA and sapping the powers of the mutants during the DNA drawing process and wiping their memory of the event. Professor Xavier has stood by and watched as the mutants around him are being "NERFed" He decides it is time to strike back. He gathers every available mutant to his side and strikes at the N.E.R.F. Upon entering they are greeted by a gauntlet of ultra powerful preNERFed versions of themselves, twisted into evil by the N.E.R.F Agency.

This will be a once a week event much like the DPD is daily. It will be an epic survival battle against the pernerfed versions of our favorite characters in their strongest possible teams at the levels specified.
Buffed characters are still in their buffed states such as Xforce and 2* Hawkeye

Round 1:
CStorm, MNMags, Hawkeye (all lvl 94)- 500 iso
I feel this is the easiest nerfed super team to bring down so they are easily 1st. After this it gets a bit fuzzy so help me out with suggestions if you want.

Round 2:
Patch, Cmags, Spidey (all lvl 166) - 1k iso
2ap red cmags, and super heal spidey are back

Round 3:
Ragnarok, Ares, LDaken (166, 134, 166) - Heroic Token
2ap rags is back!

Round 4:
MNMags, Mystique, Professor Xavier (134, 166, 270) - 3* Token (Guaranteed random 3*)

Round 5:
Xforce, 4Thor, Iron Fist (270, 270, 166) - 4* Token (Guaranteed random 4*)

of course other teams could be created and used. I just like these ones haha let me know what you guys think. I just thought of it at work and figured I'd throw it out there. Seems like a good way to make light of the Nerfing and get some more 4*s circulating without over saturating the field.


  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    At least one more team would be possible since you've missed old 2* Thorverine and Loki.

    Storm and oBW are an option too, especially in the nerfed desert or jungle environments.
  • spccrain
    spccrain Posts: 249
    haha I forgot all about the environments!
  • Another option could be the old sentry and daken with hood.
  • spccrain
    spccrain Posts: 249
    oh yeah Dank! I originally had that as #4 then forgot about it and remembered rags 2ap killer.
  • spccrain
    spccrain Posts: 249
    Another question how would you beat this survival issuing just 2 and 3*?