Bowing out (mostly) gracefully
Hi everyone... I know leaving threads are boring and none of you will care (and some ppl will be kind enough to confirm that for me
) but i'm just leaving this post as a bit of feedback as to why i'm stopping my love affair with MPQ.
So background-wise I post on the forum a fair bit so ppl may have an idea who I am. I'm on day 450, have every hero at least once, fully covered every 3* bar 1 SG cover and every 4* bar 3 SL covers. I've spent about 200 or so dollars on the game (which I don't begrudge) and have been in a top100 alliance since season 1 (although a different one which is top 25 from season 2).
The main reason i'm leaving is that the game doesn't really give me what I want any more... and that's been the case for a while but brought more sharply into focus recently. Basically I enjoy match 3 games, but the match 3 mechanics in MPQ are not enough on their own to make me want to play it (especially not to the degree it needs to be played to get anywhere) and instead I played for so long mainly because I enjoy collecting things and enjoy feeling like i'm making progress in a game.
So I progressed to 2*s (back when that took effort), got into 3*s, kept picking up new 3*s that were interesting and/or useful enough, got every OP hero when they were OP and ended up fully covering XForce and IW mostly by accident well before XF was any use at all.
Then out came Fury and, while not a big upgrade over 3*s he was decent and shiny, so I enjoyed working on getting those covers. Xforce got buffed and I felt like I could improve my roster by giving him ISO (already had the covers after all) and the whole time I felt like I was improving what I had to varying degrees.
Then we have 4Thor... she was (IMO) overpowered but obviously getting her felt like progress. I always imagined she would be reigned back a bit but I looked at the 4* heroes and I felt like every new one would be impactful and fulfilling to get my hands on. Like I would always have that opportunity to feel like i'm moving forward... then came Elektra... ok a blip... then came starlord... ok another blip. they weren't unusable but I felt like they weren't worth the time, effort and resources to use them. Then IF came out... again seemed a bit OP but, even with a purple nerf being obvious his passive would be great for seeds and low level PvE teams.... progression (of a sort).
That brings us to recent events... Xavier got teased and instantly it was obvious he was a gimmick hero... he needed an enabler for that blue, the enablers are all too meh for PvP so he basically looked like a PvE hero to used with winfinite, maybe GSBW. Not 100% what I was hoping for but something to work towards perhaps... then a pre release nerf on his yellow. Bizarre but not devastating... then the character balance hammers winfinite... now what is Xavier good for? Just another 4* to work towards who is not worth working towards.
Then we come to the 4Thor nerf. I'm not mad that one of my heroes got nerfed... she needed a nerf of some sort.... i'm not even quitting cause one of my heroes got over-nerfed. It's happened LOADS of times already and i've not left... the issue for me is one of the ONLY 2 4*s who felt like real progress to me over months of play has now become a 3*+. Simply removing her from my roster wouldn't make it all that much weaker. So now i'm thinking that Xforce and Thor were the anomalies and Starlord, Elektra and Xavier are the intended level of 4* balance. So not only have I essentially made zero progression since I got those XForce covers way back when but I don't see any reason to believe I ever will again AND if a hero really is a form of progression for me they will get gutted down the road.
So, for me at least, no real progression = not a game I want to play any more.
Don't get me wrong though... other things irritate me abour MPQ.
Roster slots infinitely increasing in cost is stupid
Limiting 4* PvE reward tiers as if ppl getting their hands on a 1 cover 4* is a big enough deal to justify the irritation it causes
3* transition is still stupidly slow
There is no risk/reward in PvP... 40 point target... that must be risky... what's the catch? I lose 1 pt if I lose to them and the points I score are nothing to do with our relative roster strengths? seems about right!
Levelling up heroes on PC is so painfully slow unless you want to max them that I hate doing it.
Rotating subs in the hunt as if that's anything BUT stupid....
and i'm sure there are more but this is already a wall of text
. I could get past those things as long as I was having fun, unfortunately that's not a thing now
Anyway that's it really. Just wanted to give some feedback on the way out.
One thing I will say though... think VERY carefully about spending money on HP to buy anything in this game... especially covers, The devs have repeatedly shown the thing you pay for may or may not be the thing you end up with. Also buy HP immediately before using it, that way if you get **** you can get a refund from the place you paid actual cash to more easily. Xforce is now by far the best hero in this game... I would be wary of using real life money on him.....
ps... shout out to my alliance the ACE OF BLADES! The fun and friendly atmosphere has easily extended my stay in MPQ by 2 or 3 seasons when I started losing my will to play. Soon (tm) they will probably have a recruiting thread to replace me and you couldn't find a friendlier and IMO better alliance to join... so seriously consider applying.... you won't regret it (too much)

So background-wise I post on the forum a fair bit so ppl may have an idea who I am. I'm on day 450, have every hero at least once, fully covered every 3* bar 1 SG cover and every 4* bar 3 SL covers. I've spent about 200 or so dollars on the game (which I don't begrudge) and have been in a top100 alliance since season 1 (although a different one which is top 25 from season 2).
The main reason i'm leaving is that the game doesn't really give me what I want any more... and that's been the case for a while but brought more sharply into focus recently. Basically I enjoy match 3 games, but the match 3 mechanics in MPQ are not enough on their own to make me want to play it (especially not to the degree it needs to be played to get anywhere) and instead I played for so long mainly because I enjoy collecting things and enjoy feeling like i'm making progress in a game.
So I progressed to 2*s (back when that took effort), got into 3*s, kept picking up new 3*s that were interesting and/or useful enough, got every OP hero when they were OP and ended up fully covering XForce and IW mostly by accident well before XF was any use at all.
Then out came Fury and, while not a big upgrade over 3*s he was decent and shiny, so I enjoyed working on getting those covers. Xforce got buffed and I felt like I could improve my roster by giving him ISO (already had the covers after all) and the whole time I felt like I was improving what I had to varying degrees.
Then we have 4Thor... she was (IMO) overpowered but obviously getting her felt like progress. I always imagined she would be reigned back a bit but I looked at the 4* heroes and I felt like every new one would be impactful and fulfilling to get my hands on. Like I would always have that opportunity to feel like i'm moving forward... then came Elektra... ok a blip... then came starlord... ok another blip. they weren't unusable but I felt like they weren't worth the time, effort and resources to use them. Then IF came out... again seemed a bit OP but, even with a purple nerf being obvious his passive would be great for seeds and low level PvE teams.... progression (of a sort).
That brings us to recent events... Xavier got teased and instantly it was obvious he was a gimmick hero... he needed an enabler for that blue, the enablers are all too meh for PvP so he basically looked like a PvE hero to used with winfinite, maybe GSBW. Not 100% what I was hoping for but something to work towards perhaps... then a pre release nerf on his yellow. Bizarre but not devastating... then the character balance hammers winfinite... now what is Xavier good for? Just another 4* to work towards who is not worth working towards.
Then we come to the 4Thor nerf. I'm not mad that one of my heroes got nerfed... she needed a nerf of some sort.... i'm not even quitting cause one of my heroes got over-nerfed. It's happened LOADS of times already and i've not left... the issue for me is one of the ONLY 2 4*s who felt like real progress to me over months of play has now become a 3*+. Simply removing her from my roster wouldn't make it all that much weaker. So now i'm thinking that Xforce and Thor were the anomalies and Starlord, Elektra and Xavier are the intended level of 4* balance. So not only have I essentially made zero progression since I got those XForce covers way back when but I don't see any reason to believe I ever will again AND if a hero really is a form of progression for me they will get gutted down the road.
So, for me at least, no real progression = not a game I want to play any more.
Don't get me wrong though... other things irritate me abour MPQ.
Roster slots infinitely increasing in cost is stupid
Limiting 4* PvE reward tiers as if ppl getting their hands on a 1 cover 4* is a big enough deal to justify the irritation it causes
3* transition is still stupidly slow
There is no risk/reward in PvP... 40 point target... that must be risky... what's the catch? I lose 1 pt if I lose to them and the points I score are nothing to do with our relative roster strengths? seems about right!
Levelling up heroes on PC is so painfully slow unless you want to max them that I hate doing it.
Rotating subs in the hunt as if that's anything BUT stupid....
and i'm sure there are more but this is already a wall of text

Anyway that's it really. Just wanted to give some feedback on the way out.
One thing I will say though... think VERY carefully about spending money on HP to buy anything in this game... especially covers, The devs have repeatedly shown the thing you pay for may or may not be the thing you end up with. Also buy HP immediately before using it, that way if you get **** you can get a refund from the place you paid actual cash to more easily. Xforce is now by far the best hero in this game... I would be wary of using real life money on him.....
ps... shout out to my alliance the ACE OF BLADES! The fun and friendly atmosphere has easily extended my stay in MPQ by 2 or 3 seasons when I started losing my will to play. Soon (tm) they will probably have a recruiting thread to replace me and you couldn't find a friendlier and IMO better alliance to join... so seriously consider applying.... you won't regret it (too much)

Many good points.0
Can't disagree with a single word.
Well said.0 -
Agreed. X-Force is the only 4* now that is a 'progression' past 3*s. There is no 3-4 transition, just more of a grind that necessitates roster slots.0
That's pretty much my feelings in many more words than I would have written.
No meaningful progression really is the biggest problem for long term players.0 -
You and your crazy, madman-style grinding will be missed.0
Thumbs up to you. I agree. They have devalued their own "chase"...oh well such is life for a mobile app gamer.0
bonfire01 wrote:So now i'm thinking that Xforce and Thor were the anomalies and Starlord, Elektra and Xavier are the intended level of 4* balance. So not only have I essentially made zero progression since I got those XForce covers way back when but I don't see any reason to believe I ever will again AND if a hero really is a form of progression for me they will get gutted down the road0
You hit everything on the nail, thx, well said and you won't be the last.0
D3 really has a problem on their hands imo. Some serious fundamental flaws going on with 0 customer confidence going forward.0
see you next week!0
I always liked you and admired you, since I was in Ace of Blades in S1.
This feeling never changed though I left the Alliance.
You're/were one of the assets of the game, and you will be missed.
I've decided to play at least until the 23rd of March, and the next PvE. My GThor was built for PvE (553), so a PvP nerf wouldn't mean much to me.
If I can't clear the crazy hard nodes because of my scaling, I'll quit. No matter how much I spent.
It's a slap in my face each time I see the Top 5 of a PvE in my bracket, with 2* rosters, and NO 3*/4* whatsoever.
How delusional this is for players like this to win 4/5 covers of a 4* when they have no 3* whatsoever ???0 -
Switchman wrote:D3 really has a problem on their hands imo. Some serious fundamental flaws going on with 0 customer confidence going forward.
Does seem like they need a major overhaul, people are getting tired of the same old chase, same old format. In the past I had been optimistic that frequent small changes would keep things aligned but it really does seem like now they should really be looking into huge massive changes to the entire way they expect the game to work.0 -
arktos1971 wrote:I always liked you and admired you, since I was in Ace of Blades in S1.
This feeling never changed though I left the Alliance.
You're/were one of the assets of the game, and you will be missed.
I've decided to play at least until the 23rd of March, and the next PvE. My GThor was built for PvE (553), so a PvP nerf wouldn't mean much to me.
If I can't clear the crazy hard nodes because of my scaling, I'll quit. No matter how much I spent.
It's a slap in my face each time I see the Top 5 of a PvE in my bracket, with 2* rosters, and NO 3*/4* whatsoever.
How delusional this is for players like this to win 4/5 covers of a 4* when they have no 3* whatsoever ???
With 3/4* you can compete in PVE AND PVP. You have the entire game to play.
With 2*, you can't do **** except play PVE for scraps and HOURS/DAYS/MONTHS of zombie grinding. Game is broken, but noobs gotta eat too.0 -
arktos1971 wrote:I always liked you and admired you, since I was in Ace of Blades in S1.
This feeling never changed though I left the Alliance.
You're/were one of the assets of the game, and you will be missed.
I've decided to play at least until the 23rd of March, and the next PvE. My GThor was built for PvE (553), so a PvP nerf wouldn't mean much to me.
If I can't clear the crazy hard nodes because of my scaling, I'll quit. No matter how much I spent.
It's a slap in my face each time I see the Top 5 of a PvE in my bracket, with 2* rosters, and NO 3*/4* whatsoever.
How delusional this is for players like this to win 4/5 covers of a 4* when they have no 3* whatsoever ???
So true.
PVE is locked to 2 characters only: XF and GT. Third is some support.
Why do we have all those others characters?
I have Elektra almost fully covered and I didn´t play a game with her (except essencials).
They can be used only to fighting KickThatStick and Pyromantic.0 -
What I have known all along but have realized in more clarity recently is we all want this game to not be a cookie cutter freemium game. In so many ways, MPQ is amazingly intricate, unique, and well put together. But I am worried that our expectations are a bit high for a mobile game that we expect the quality and customer service of perhaps an MMORPG?
There is definitely the potential for this game to thrive for years to come, but either the devs are unaware of how some of the games changes (or lack thereof) is hurting their playerbase. Or maybe they hold some confidence that after any intial backlash there will always be new players, casual players, and long suffering players to feed the machine.0 -
The main reason i'm leaving is that the game doesn't really give me what I want any more.
That's reason enough right there. If it ain't entertaining you, you shouldn't be spending your time on it. Hope you find something that does....!One thing I will say though... think VERY carefully about spending money on HP to buy anything in this game.
That is good advice under any circumstances.0 -
I appreciate the way you make the statement of leaving, yet provide some suggestions and ACTUAL feedback. You are able to complain without b****ing, and that is something to appreciate.
Sorry to see such an eloquent person leave the game.0 -
Good luck in your future gaming ventures. You've always been a good presence on the forums and you will definitely be missed.0
I miss you already.
You're welcome back anytime. I'd kick John out in a heartbeat if you but ask.bonfire01 wrote:ps... shout out to my alliance the ACE OF BLADES! The fun and friendly atmosphere has easily extended my stay in MPQ by 2 or 3 seasons when I started losing my will to play. Soon (tm) they will probably have a recruiting thread to replace me and you couldn't find a friendlier and IMO better alliance to join... so seriously consider applying.... you won't regret it (too much)
Well, since you mentioned it ....
Ace of Blades needs another new guy or girl. We're a laid back alliance of mostly vets. We generally score top 25 in PVP and always score top 100 in PVE with new cover rewards. We're looking for someone who can put up at least 800 points in PVP and will contribute to PVE when the rewards are worthwhile. Chattiness is a plus. Jerkiness is not. If interested, send myself and Arogntbastrd a PM.
qtquazar's I Quit thread was one of our best recruitment tools. It'd be a shame to let this opportunity pass us by.0 -
I miss you already.
You're welcome back anytime. I'd kick John out in a heartbeat if you but ask0
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