Questions for the next D3 Q&A in March

Doc L
Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
edited March 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I presume in the near future there will be the chance to ask questions for an end of March video, a method that is excellent at portraying the developers thoughts and so on. One thing that we have an issue with, is that often there are an excess of questions asked, for the 15-20 minute slot that is assigned to answering them.

My suggestion to the forumites, is that we as a body, collate and ask only a specific number of questions, in a very clear and to the point manner, to essentially have the questions answered that we want. The forum possess a number of very eloquent posters, but I think in this case, to the point would be more successful. If people think this is a good idea, perhaps I can collate them in this initial post, to be asked when the time arrives.

A couple that spring to mind already are:

- What determines PvE scaling?
- How do you hope to improve the 3* to 4* transition, to make it better than the previous 2* to 3* situation?

I really do like the method of their answers, I'd just like us to ask the questions we want more specifically, to get at least some partial answers to them. Thanks for having a look at my thoughts.


  • They will sticky up a post for questions at some point so post there (one question per post).

    The answer to all of the questions will be deadpool's daily quest....
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Q: Explain how 19AP for 7k damage is a good deal for any character, much less a 4*
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    bonfire01 wrote:
    They will sticky up a post for questions at some point so post there (one question per post).

    The answer to all of the questions will be deadpool's daily quest....

    Sorry, I think I was a bit unclear what I meant. I know they will ask soon, but if we as a group discuss beforehand, perhaps we can ask fewer more specific questions. As soon as they are posted on that thread, they can be answered, whatever the question asked. If we are more specific, it would increase our chances I hope of an answer.

    Re: 4* Thor's damage, as I don't own her, I don't know, though GSBW has a similar level of AP for her sniper rifle, though she does hit all 3 targets, and has very low health to build-up to 19AP.
  • My question for last month was "What is your long term goals for MPQ. If you are able to implement all of them what does the game look like a year from now?"

    I was hoping to see if the devs even have a long term vision or if they really work on 2 week schedules and release a new character at the end of each one and call it a job well done.

    This month I would ask them if they are as concerned as I am about the problem outlined here. When/If they plan on looking for a permanent solution, and what ideas they might have for fixing the dilution AND making sure it never gets so out of hand again in the future.

    In the past they have said they never want to retire characters completely, but they also thought vaulting was going to fix everything.
  • I think the first thing we should decide as a community is what kind of question we want them to answer, so this thread is a great plan to start with.

    Do we want them to address character specific issues (nerfs etc), gameplay specific issues (scaling, refreshes, events etc), Reward structure issues (iso, covers, HP), or something else like my long term health of the game questions.

    We all seem to be riled up right now about the nerfs but I for one don't want them to spend the entire next QA saying why they changed everyone unless they end with telling us how they went too far on some of them and are dialing it back a notch, and I don't think that is going to be the case. I want to know that they have the longevity of the game in mind and not just the monthly bottom line and I can see they are excited about the future, but so far I have no confidence they have a plan for where the game is going.

    P.S. Sorry for the double post
  • This is a great idea that we discuss every month. The problem is that there will always be 20 fluff questions posted and the devs will always choose to answer those over answering the hard questions that we want answers (even partial answers or thoughts about) to. Sorry, feeling a little cynical on a Friday.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the scaling question got the most upvotes last time, and they ignored it. I don't really know if the questions we ask have any relevance, if they are going to pick the ones that are "fun" for them to answer. Both of the OP questions are serious problems in the game right now, as well as roster slot costs (which they keep avoiding talking about as well).

    Also obviously need to talk about the hatred for 4* T50 events - 160+ upvotes in that thread should count for something.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    What questions should be avoided:

    - Questions about vaulting - They are working on a solution, which will probably arrive earlier then answers for the next questions.
    - Questions about game economy - not much answer there - they are monitoring it, and address things when they feel needed.
    - Questions about current bugs / display issues.
    - Any questions likely to be addressed sooner as the reply.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    I think the scaling question got the most upvotes last time, and they ignored it. I don't really know if the questions we ask have any relevance, if they are going to pick the ones that are "fun" for them to answer. Both of the OP questions are serious problems in the game right now, as well as roster slot costs (which they keep avoiding talking about as well).

    Also obviously need to talk about the hatred for 4* T50 events - 160+ upvotes in that thread should count for something.

    watch this is what they say

    we heard you complaining about only the top 50 get the 4 star and we will change it in our next update and now the top 100 will get the 4 star. O by the way get ready for the all new 5 STAR WHere only the top 10 will get it LOL
  • I still don't think it's a good idea for Demiurge to address scaling for multiple reasons:
    1. People knowing how to game the system will. Right now it's all speculation so some will game the system correctly and others won't, so there is a semblance of balance.
    2. There's no real additional revenue in it unless it's somehow making a ton of people keep their heroes underscaled, and those people would buy iso otherwise. Even if that were the case, it's hard to make that case unless the person has previously bought iso, and what percentage of the MPQ population actually buys iso for characters?
    simonsez wrote:
    Q: Explain how 19AP for 7k damage is a good deal for any character, much less a 4*
    Answer: First off, the 19AP is 10 and 9 AP so easier to get. There is no rule that says you MUST cast Smite after Power Surge or otherwise; these powers can be cast at any time. At max covers you're also getting a 3 turn stun and 7 charged tiles on your colors, with first crack to match them. If you match say 2 of them, that's an extra 4 AP, which is like a 4AP reduction, plus you get the extra match damage from the charged tiles. The AI is still pretty dumb so doesn't prioritize matching charged tiles as much as it should meaning you'll get extra chances at more AP and more match damage. It's similar to Torch's fireball or Cap America's shields, in that casting it helps you cast the next one even faster.

    I think the problem with both the 2* - 3* transition and the 3* - 4* transition is that character don't become 'usable' until you have at least 9 covers with most. Few players are going to play with a 2/2/2 4* vs a fully maxed 3*. However, it takes maybe 10 times longer to get a maxed 4* compared to a maxed 3*, (assuming you don't buy covers), which means you're stuck in the limbo for way longer. 2*-3* players are screwed by the number of 3*, and vaulting only partially helps. Ironically DDQ is probably the best solution to the 2-3* issue as long as you are willing to hoard tokens for months.

    The last Q&A was a huge disappointment as it seemed like a marketing promotion video for DDQ. I guess with the positive response to it, the developers just wanted to bathe in accolades a little longer, but we are a demanding bunch.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    Q: When can we expect a nerf to 2* Wolverine since he has dealt the most damage since Christmas? Obviously he is overpowered.
  • Looking back to the last 2 Q&A's
    viewtopic.php?f=7&t=22533 January Community Q&A - Open for Qs!
    viewtopic.php?f=7&t=23518 February Community Q&A - Please vote!

    There's a handful of topics about the MPQ economy eg reward shifting, roster slot costs etc. Considering the forum thread, I don't think there's anyway we can escape having the question asked of increased availability of 4*, which Demiurge will probably ignore. Have put an X next to questions that I don't think will be answered, so probably aren't worth asking. I may have missed some, but have put most of the 10+ voted unanswered questions here:

    51 Bonfire01 none.png +1 level button?
    25X The_Valeyard pvp point loss limit
    22X daibar none.pngnone.png expand alliance rewards
    21X tanis3303 none.pnglooping PVE rewards
    19X Trisul none.pngnone.pngpurpose of PVE scaling based on roster
    18 Kedran none.pngnone.png new story content please?
    17 The_Valeyard unlevel button
    16 dragma none.pngnone.pngalliance enhancements
    12X Pylgrim none.pnghow does PVP MMR work
    12 qiwi-mpq none.png is IW being reworked
    11 DrStrange-616 How is the userbase divided in terms of roster
    11 papa07 none.pngnone.pnglist subevent schedule
    11 trat73 none.pngnone.png highlight strongest enemy team color
    10X The_Valeyard how long should the 2-3* transition take according to devs
    10X yogi_ none.pngnone.pngcomments about people throwing away 3* covers

    44 camichan none.png lowering PVE scaling
    37 JCTthe3rd81 none.png Alliance based Co-op?
    32X fight4thedream none.pngSpider-man attack power
    31 Colognoisseur none.png players advisory board
    29X zonatahunt none.png change skip system
    28 Bonfire01 none.png +1 level button? (woopie 10)
    21 Nellyson none.pngmore stories?
    20 soursenseless none.png Share eg of when community reaction or impact on metagame was unexpected
    19 BlueFish none.png delevel characters
    18X Davyx none.png scaling mechanics
    16 onimus none.png rankings - show reward tier placement
    15 Larimar none.png IW rework?
    14 Pylgrim none.png Gorgon playable?
    13 The_Valeyard none.png "The List" PVE
    13 Cryptobrancus none.png Long term goals
    12 turul none.pngnone.png Elektra upgrade?
    11 Dartmaster01 none.png Syncronize(24hrs) sub ending time to final end time
    10 Nellyson none.png End of Dark Reign story? (TLCstormz 12)
    10 Hulk11 none.pngnone.pngart updates

    Questions asked in both:
    +1 level button
    delevel button
    IW rework

    Pretty sure that the nerfs will be foremost on everyone's minds if they dare to open up the forum this month.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Q: Explain how 19AP for 7k damage is a good deal for any character, much less a 4*

    You mean 19 AP for 7k damage, a 3 turn stun, and 5 charge tiles. Not that I'm saying thats balanced, but it's not like you're actually going to get an answer from the devs with such hyperbole.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    You mean 19 AP for 7k damage, a 3 turn stun, and 5 charge tiles. Not that I'm saying thats balanced, but it's not like you're actually going to get an answer from the devs with such hyperbole.
    As if I had a chance of getting an answer other than, "we think she's still fun", if I phrased it your way.

    So let's not make it a subjective question at all. Let's make it, "Since you are a data-driven company, and your data is telling you no one is using Elektra or Starlord, why don't you want 4s to be better than 3s?"
  • kensterr wrote:
    Q: When can we expect a nerf to 2* Wolverine since he has dealt the most damage since Christmas? Obviously he is overpowered.

    A: Already Happened.

    (RIP OG 2* Thorveriene)

  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    papa07 wrote:
    This is a great idea that we discuss every month. The problem is that there will always be 20 fluff questions posted and the devs will always choose to answer those over answering the hard questions that we want answers (even partial answers or thoughts about) to. Sorry, feeling a little cynical on a Friday.

    Not cynical. Realistic.

    D3P/Demiurge have some awesome bipolar personality stuff going on.
    On the one hand they introduce stuff like the Deadpool daily quest, they widen the PvP rewards and they widen the refresh period in PvE.
    On the other hand they over-nerf characters in knee-jerk reactions, continue to (willfully?) screw the pooch on PvE scaling, run unethical HP sales right before a not-yet-publicly announced nerf to key powerhouse characters and run a completely scammy Youtube contest with which you promote their game for free and they get to use and abuse your personal information for any present and future marketing campaign however they see fit!
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    You mean 19 AP for 7k damage, a 3 turn stun, and 5 charge tiles. Not that I'm saying thats balanced, but it's not like you're actually going to get an answer from the devs with such hyperbole.
    As if I had a chance of getting an answer other than, "we think she's still fun", if I phrased it your way.

    So let's not make it a subjective question at all. Let's make it, "Since you are a data-driven company, and your data is telling you no one is using Elektra or Starlord, why don't you want 4s to be better than 3s?"

    To be fair, I'm skeptical that any question that doesn't result in the answer being "Deadpool's Daily" will be answered at this point icon_twisted.gif
  • kensterr wrote:
    Q: When can we expect a nerf to 2* Wolverine since he has dealt the most damage since Christmas? Obviously he is overpowered.

    Wrong! he is not overpowered he is Wolverine
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    kensterr wrote:
    Q: When can we expect a nerf to 2* Wolverine since he has dealt the most damage since Christmas? Obviously he is overpowered.

    Wrong! he is not overpowered he is Wolverine

    Apparently 2* Thor is the most used hero now, he was the first nerf way back in the annals of time of MPQ...

    Anyways, just bringing this back to the top more actually to say its the 19th now, so we should be getting an official one soon I hope. I know that it's probably a long shot, and I am as realistic as say _RiO_, but I also *hope* some of the pressing questions we really would like answered, on nerfs (and consultation), on scaling of pve, on transition between 3* and 4*, are answered. I know the guys who have made this game are fans of Marvel like us, and are trying to make a better game, and I am sure they appreciate that we are passionate about our stuff. Just bear in mind, the best questions are short and to the point, and the fewer fluff questions increase the chances of the key issues being discussed.
  • Doc L wrote:
    Just bear in mind, the best questions are short and to the point, and the fewer fluff questions increase the chances of the key issues being discussed.

    The simple answer to that is to downvote the **** out of every fluff question. If they still chose to answer questions that are -5 or worse, then that is an answer in itself about what they think of our opinions on important topics.