Develop a professional manner for adjusting characters.

esoxnepa Posts: 291
With a new round of character adjustments, with little to no notice, it shows a lack of professionalism in character design and balancing within your company.

You need to have a specific publicly published time-frame and set of procedures before any adjustment is applied.

One example of procedures would be:
1. Having a public "Watch List" available both online and in game with a specific clear set of time that each character's impact on the game will be analyzed. These characters can be placed in the vault at the start of a new season.
2. These time-frames need to be long enough, such as two months, to allow bubbles of popularity to smooth out into actual use.
3. Near the end of the Watch List time-frame, specific announcements about the intended adjustments that will be made.
4. Once the planned adjustments are announced, there needs to be a phase-in period of 2-3 weeks before the changes will be applied.

Your current method of no warning on negative changes, and significant lacks of improvements to characters that are vaulted, is not acceptable.

It is also very unprofessional, and makes you look like a bunch of frat boys hacking a game together and not a professional development studio.