Please update PvE mission points correctly

It's a long-standing problem: the pve mission shows the number of points you gain from it that is updated every some minutes -- but not after you played a game, that usually changes the number significantly.

It was bad enough in the old pve, but all you lost was virtual: you got less points in the end or maybe nothing, but that is it. And the former was redundant if you were to repeat it anyway.

Now it's far from that, playing a mission appears to have far-reaching effects, like bumping enemies in all other missions. Playing a mission that shows 10 but turns out be actually 1 in the end may cost you several places in the tournament. The shown number shall be reliable.

Please fix that in the very next patch else it leaves a huge dent in the pve playing -- calling for a refresh should be just one more line in the implementation. Or if the refresh is not asked from the client but announced from server asynchronously, at least mark all points on the interface somehow (different color, italics, add a *) as dirty until a refresh actually happens.


  • Yeah, this is the one big quality of life improvement I feel strongest about. It's not game breaking, but it really feel sloppy and bad when you do a match, and suddenly it's worth less than what it started out saying it was worth. Please Please fix this!
  • Viewing the top ten between battles seems to do the trick for me.

    You would think they could include an on-map 'refresh' button that performs the same function.
  • Yup. This is, and has been a significant problem for all PvE events. I just won against 3x level 230s and got one point, though the screen states I would get 27 or so. It screws everything up when you burn your health packs to heal up for a fight and realize it was all a waste because you only got a point. Please, please fix this.
  • I started at 1st mission. Did all 1 time.
    Then I went to the last mission to do the 2nd time in reverse rotation.
    After every match I closed the app. Came back in, did 1 prologue mission.
    Check all the points on every mission to check updates.

    2 of the missions still have me 1 point after showing they would give 10.
    The rest updated. More hassle than I had to go through obviously but sheesh. Those 2 times I got 1 point was like ****.