Suggestion to ease the pain in changes/nerfs/buffs

Hmm, after reading all the comments, I think we need a structure to help D3 see if there is a way to better listen to what the MPQ community requires.

My idea is terribly simple but not foolproof (thanks to trolls), but why not use an official poll?


Alright MPQ! We have received feedback that Iron fist's pink is too OP, so we are taking a poll to consider reducing the no. of black tiles produced OR increasing the cost from 5 to something greater. Please submit your preference here!

Increase his pink cost
> 6
> 7
> 8
> 9
> don't change


Reduce no. of black tiles produced
> 8
> 7
> 6
> no change

Like I said, my idea is NOT a foolproof one but it might help to ease the angst and unhappiness and ragequitters. I've personally lost a good player today because of these changes and it's a real pain in the tinykitty to recruit.

P.S. Drop me a Pm if anyone wants to join an easygoing top 100 alliance. you can see my recruitment thread here:


  • I dont have a cover of thoress so i agree with the nerf.

    Remember what your real money is used on buying hp

    You use your money to level up a character is your own decision

    Business is business
  • I dont have a cover of thoress so i agree with the nerf.

    Remember what your real money is used on buying hp

    You use your money to level up a character is your own decision

    Business is business

    Not sure how your post is relevant to my thread. Or contributes in any way as meaningful discussion. Therefore I'm going to assume you are one of the trolls I mentioned above.

  • A poll is close to the worst way to do this. Players with the cover or knowing how to exploit the weakness will tend to vote higher, whereas people without the cover will tend to vote lower. Most people will be swayed by angry mobs as opposed to decent debate, eg like there was in the Iron Fist thread when he was first released. That's why we get all these overnerfs, because the reactionaries are louder than anyone else before the changes actually happen.

    I'd say less than 5% of the population would know how to balance characters properly.
  • To be fair the angry mob was also full of suggestions on how to make characters more balanced, not wheelchaired. No one was calling for overnerf, that was D3's reaction not the forum's.
  • To be fair the angry mob was also full of suggestions on how to make characters more balanced, not wheelchaired. No one was calling for overnerf, that was D3's reaction not the forum's.

    Also I think it'd be safe to assume that the vast majority of players do not have enough covers of 4thor, meaning they probably will give some constructive feedback.

    Heck, even I have a fully covered Thorina but I feel she should be nerfed. Just not by that much. icon_neutral.gif
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    ......only this message board are the definitions of "easy going" and "grind free" and "causal" so oddly used.