In Peaceful Protest

fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2015 in MPQ General Discussion

i'm taking a break. Probably for about a week. At the very least until the Hunt is finished.

Putting aside the debate of whether or not these changes are better for the metagame, i'm protesting the lack of creative vision and controls for keeping the game balanced and fresh. If the imbalances are intentional to drive cover sales, then stop. Just stop. It might be a short term profit boost but in the long run it will cut into player's faith in investing in the product. There's a reason i've made it a point to never buy 4* covers in this game (well two reasons, the other reason being i would have nothing to chase for if i was just buying covers).

Do you know what would be a better way to address power imbalances besides maiming characters? Introduce other characters that have abilities to counter those powers considered OP. Ideally, you should be shooting for a rock-->paper--->scissors dynamic where no one character stands above all. Additionally, people that invested money and/or time to cover max and invest ISO in their character will less likely feel cheated or tricked.

Do you know what kind of characters would be great to fulfill that role? Villains. There is a notable dearth of bad guys and gals in this game and i don't understand why. Where are Apocalypse, Enchantress, Carnage, Sabertooth, the Mandarin and such? i'm tired of seeing superheroes gunned down by common thugs. Bring us evil henchman and actual boss battles. Ragnarok could have been the perfect counterweight or companion to 4hor, by limiting his surge tile production but allowing his new power to power off surge tiles she produces creating a hypershock attack that stuns the team and deals smite like damage to the main enemy. Or some other jazz like that. (Yes, i know 4hor would still need an adjustment here and there but that's besides the point).

Fix the rewards structure. DDQ is only one step in the right direction. Keep going in that direction. Give us more mini-games and special events. Find new ways to distribute covers. The current rewards structure is basically a game of have and have nots. The haves continue to dominate while the have nots go after the scraps. The problem is the haves will end up bored and the have nots will end up frustrated. Create a survival mode or some kind of quest that offers better progression awards the harder the challenge.

Make better pVe events. Ideally, every character should have a proper introduction but i realize there are limitations as to what can be done. Be that as it may, when introducing a character of Charles Xavier caliber to the game, it would have been super cool to you know, have Sentinels instead of goons and require X-men characters to complete the mission. Magneto or Mastermold as the final boss, with Juggernaut and Mystique as mid-level bosses, would have been the cherry on top. Instead we get another rehash of the Hunt, which has nothing to do with the characer.

I'm not one of those people that think you are out to cheat people out of their money but you should seriously consider at the very least refunding money to the people who invested in Iron Fist. Half the forum was calling for a nerf before he even hit the ground but you released him and those that thought it was a safe investment for the time being bought in. Has a week even past yet since he was released?

As for 4hor, i was actually one of those people who was seriously considering going 4/4/5 with her since i like that she was able to get rid of cds and felt that 5 red for the most part was overkill. i had a feeling from the beginning when 4hor was released she would eventually be nerfed but i bided my time to see what you would do and you finally got around to it.

Now i'm going to be straight with you, you have players that put actually money into the game to buy 4* covers. i am not one of them. i'd much rather buy health packs, boosts and shields as i like the chase but i don't begrudge those that save themselves the stress of the hunt. (Pun.) But if you continue to tamper with the goods players will just learn to wait it out or stop playing. We are not talking chump change here amigos so it would be prudent for your business to consider the consequences of losing player faith in the longterm value of your product. Why buy 4* character at $20 or \2,500 a pop when you will end up with the covers eventually anyway and if the character is "too powerful" will be cut down to size?! (Interrobang)

i know the devs mean well and work hard but when half of the forumers on this site could see that IF was overpowered a mile away and it took you a week after release to agree, there is a problem. When one of the devs (Demiurge_Miles who I adore. He has always been a scholar and a gentleman and i feel a bit treacherous calling him out like this) mentions using the Winifinite combo in the Q&A and then is the deliverer of the news that it too shall go onto the great beyond (this is the 2nd time "the man" has tried to shut Magneto down btw) there is obviously a lack of cohesion and when decisions to run the same pVe for two new characters (Rocket & Groot, Gamora) and not offer a proper pVe event for the founder of the X-men it demonstrates poor leadership.

Do your company and your player base a favor and hire an event designer (and yes, i'm assuming you don't have a proper one because if you do have one that person is seriously slacking). Slow down the pace of character releases a bit maybe one every 3-4 weeks and use that time to make new villains with their respective henchman, new game modes (alliance events anyone?) and new storylines.

Capitalize on the Avengers movie and the Secret Wars events. You won't have many more golden opportunities to bring in or get back players. But most of all, try to be more respectful of the characters in game. I appreciate that you have started doing these character comic recommendations in the forum, but really it would be nice if you know Spider-Man actually faced off against Doc Ock when he was released or Wolverine and the X-team were doing their best to save Chuck from Master Mold or Bastian.

Oh boy, said too much again.

Anyway, this nerfing nonsense and pVe mess has nerfed my motivation. As much as i would love to have Charles on my team, fight4thedream is officially sitting this one out. Good luck to those that continue the good fight. Let us pray our outrage does not fall upon deaf ears. Don't worry devs, i still believe in you but i gotta call tinykittie when i see tinykittie. No disrespect, just love.

And remember:

Wishing you all the best!

A true believer,


  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    I have nothing more to say here....except all players feel this, D3 is out of control with this game, like a chicken with no head...anyway well said " fightforthedream" and have a good week of brother.
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    Pulling a Nonce, eh?

    Good luck, you make a lot of good points.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm with you f4td. Not so much on the 4or nerfs, but I think I'm just experiencing a general case of burnout as well, and all of this nonsense is getting to me. PvE / PvP aren't enjoyable for me right now, and I really don't want to deal with the burden on my schedule. I think I'm going to try and get my MPQ simulator up and working over break, and that seems a lot funner to me than actually playing MPQ right now.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    I'm with you f4td. Not so much on the 4or nerfs, but I think I'm just experiencing a general case of burnout as well, and all of this nonsense is getting to me. PvE / PvP aren't enjoyable for me right now, and I really don't want to deal with the burden on my schedule. I think I'm going to try and get my MPQ simulator up and working over break, and that seems a lot funner to me than actually playing MPQ right now.

    Just make sure your simulator supports the Oculus Rift. icon_e_wink.gif
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    Find new ways to distribute covers.

    Nah what they need to do is fine a way to give out more ISO. The Daily is given out enough covers we need more ISO. I mean i have more covers then i know what to do with but cant do anything with them cause i have lack of ISO to move the people to the the levels that would be high enough to enjoy the new people.

    About slowing down the release of new people. Every two weeks is not that bad at all so i dont see a problem with bringing out new people and no reason to slow down.

    about changing peoples moves, this is one reason i doubt i will ever buy covers. I was about to think about buying covers for a few of the people who will be changed and go, if they are going to change them they could change anyone else. So all of my HP will go into token slots.

    Will admit this though Been here for 4 months and it went from GRIND GRIND GRIND FUN FUN FUN to Ummmm i grind when i want to but i really dont care anymore. And im sure in another few months it will be bye bye
  • Almost every time a character is really good, he gets completely destroyed by a nerf. Why? I just don't get it. Instead of tweaking a little, they end up broken.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just bumping this because I believe it is more positive and has a better chance of driving in the message than all the kneejerk vitriol that is getting all the upvotes.
  • This post is a perfect and very well spoken summation of just about all my feelings for this game. Thank you fight4thedream, hopefully they don't strip your mod status for this. Now if only opera mobile would let me hit the up vote button successfully
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    First time you made sense. Thanks.
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    I m still stunned by what is happening right now.. For the first time in 500 days i will assess my will to play at the end of the season.. Im feeling dejected right now not so much because of the nerfs but because i really fell we re not respected as customers... I couldnt be more agreed with your words f4td..
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I tried to be as respectful as possible in my "darn you d3" post, but you did it better icon_e_smile.gif

    Well said on all accounts, especially the part about slowing down on new characters in favor of new storylines. That right there benefits literally everyone.
  • I felt nothing because i dont care. What amazed me is those metagame whinners start to complaint the nerf is too much?? Come on!
  • konannfriends
    konannfriends Posts: 246 Tile Toppler
    slidecage wrote:
    Find new ways to distribute covers.

    Nah what they need to do is fine a way to give out more ISO. The Daily is given out enough covers we need more ISO. I mean i have more covers then i know what to do with but cant do anything with them cause i have lack of ISO to move the people to the the levels that would be high enough to enjoy the new people.

    About slowing down the release of new people. Every two weeks is not that bad at all so i dont see a problem with bringing out new people and no reason to slow down.

    about changing peoples moves, this is one reason i doubt i will ever buy covers. I was about to think about buying covers for a few of the people who will be changed and go, if they are going to change them they could change anyone else. So all of my HP will go into token slots.

    Will admit this though Been here for 4 months and it went from GRIND GRIND GRIND FUN FUN FUN to Ummmm i grind when i want to but i really dont care anymore. And im sure in another few months it will be bye bye

    i find the way there are throwing out charcacters is a little annoying. i wish they would work on some of the old ones. there are alot of character who need slight buffs. and witht the growing roster of characters adding more ways to get 3 stars would be nice but with DDQ its not one of the most important things.

    Iso is fine in my opinon if they gave out about 2,000 more a day i would be content.

    i do think that that they should offer 4* covers as progression rewards in pve. just to get a really slow ball rolling in pvp

    and i was also thinking that they could make bracket place ment better , this would be a longshot but its super annoying to see someone with 1000 point in a pvp when they already have the 3* character reward already maxed. they should be placed in a brackegt with others like themselves making it easier for people who actually need them able to.

    also what iks up with everyone threatening to leave the game... laughable . there are new players everyday icon_lol.gif
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    For all the frustrated players out there, f4td's post here gets to the heart of the issue. It's not about character nerfs (this has always happened, will always happen, and should always be an option); it's the carelessness of how MPQ has been guided.

    Creativity, rewards, events, vision, balancing, testing.... All things that players want the devs to acknowledge they've been slacking on.
  • WilsonFisk
    WilsonFisk Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    You made too much sense, you'll likely be un-modded soon.
  • 100% agree. Enjoy your week away, F4TD....
  • peanut_gallery
    peanut_gallery Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    Perfect post. Couldn't agree more.