Advice on levelling hulk and possibly Spiderman.

edited March 2015 in MPQ Tips and Guides
Hi all.

I hope this is posted in the right sub-forum.
I currently have X-force 2/2/1, which I levelled to 111 (soft cap), without really thinking about it. I raised my 5/2/3 hulk to the same, hoping it wouldn't effect scaling. I am just wondering if it's worth levelling hulk to his soft-cap of 127. I also have s
Spidermàn 4/5/2 at 90, with 140 soft cap.
I don't think these are the best ***s, just the ones I have the most covers for. I have no other *** with cap above 90ish.

So, is it worth levelling these mid/low tier characters for not that much gain in stats and abilities, or will it just leave me worse off due to event scaling?

Thinks for any advice!


  • From what I understand, the best way to PvE is to keep basically all your characters at 94. 100 is when a 3* character becomes about as powerful as a 2* character at 94. Since you already have 2 127s I think you are probably fine with that as a cutoff, maybe 120 since it's one of the soft cap numbers (for 9 covers I think?)

    XF/Hulk/Spiderman - You could do much worse than this as a PvE A team. B Team is probably Ares/OBW/Whoever is buffed(or Ms. Marvel) C Team is MNM/Storm/Hawkeye.