R72: Red tie-breaker between L90 Wolv2 and L80 Marv2

When player characters have the same match damage, the tie breaker for tile ownership is normally determined by the position of the characters in the team selection screen, in order of center > left > right. This has been working consistently for every battle I've fought up until today, where a level 90 2* Wolverine and level 80 2* Ms. Marvel both deal 47 red damage, but Ms. Marvel is always taking red tile ownership regardless of how the two characters are positioned.

The numbers I report above correspond to the base stats of Wolverine and Ms. Marvel and were tested in Prologue battles and the Loki lightning round. This may be a clue to the source of this inconsistency, as Ms. Marvel is currently receiving a +40 level bonus in the PvE event The Hunt. Although this is entirely speculation right now, it appears that being buffed in an PvE event may affect tie-breaking for tile ownership outside the event.


  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are hidden decimal points in the numbers that take precedence. So while both are showing 47, Wolvie might be 47.1 while Marvel is 47.4, so she'll always take precedence.

    The only time you can be sure the characters are tied is when they are the same rarity and same level.
  • There are hidden decimal points in the numbers that take precedence.
    This may be true for the underlying code of MPQ, but tie-breaking between equal match damage has never worked this way. As I stated in the first post, tie-breaking between match damage of equal integer value has always been based on the position of the characters in the team selection screen. Try it for yourself if you don't believe me: find two characters with equal match damage but unequal levels (i.e. very unlikely for any decimal portion of their match damage to be equal too), then swap their positions around and watch the tile ownership change in response to that.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vynyv wrote:
    There are hidden decimal points in the numbers that take precedence.
    This may be true for the underlying code of MPQ, but tie-breaking between equal match damage has never worked this way. As I stated in the first post, tie-breaking between match damage of equal integer value has always been based on the position of the characters in the team selection screen. Try it for yourself if you don't believe me: find two characters with equal match damage but unequal levels (i.e. very unlikely for any decimal portion of their match damage to be equal too), then swap their positions around and watch the tile ownership change in response to that.

    Reread his post until you understand.

    Your logic is true in some cases - say for instance Hulk and Patch are the same level, so have the same green value. They will always have true ties (IE, ties down to even the decimal place) if their levels are the same because they are characters of the same star level with the color in question on the same tier. It is not impossible for two characters to hit a true tie if they have colors on different tiers or are different star levels, but it's not common at all. In cases where they are not true ties (IE, Wolverine has say 47.1 and Marvel has 47.3), the decimal place will take precedence over even character order.

    Tl;Dr - you are correct sometimes, but not this time.
  • I read the post perfectly fine, but it contradicts my past experience. I can recall several instances where different leveled characters with the same match damage had their tile ownership determined by their team position. In my case, this typically occurred between Ares–Thor and Daken–OBW as I alternately leveled them up. Since I am close to the level cap for these characters now, I can no longer test these particular matchups, but I will look for other ties in my roster.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vynyv wrote:
    I read the post perfectly fine, but it contradicts my past experience. I can recall several instances where different leveled characters with the same match damage had their tile ownership determined by their team position. In my case, this typically occurred between Ares–Thor and Daken–OBW as I alternately leveled them up. Since I am close to the level cap for these characters now, I can no longer test these particular matchups, but I will look for other ties in my roster.
    Arondite wrote:
    Vynyv wrote:
    There are hidden decimal points in the numbers that take precedence.
    This may be true for the underlying code of MPQ, but tie-breaking between equal match damage has never worked this way. As I stated in the first post, tie-breaking between match damage of equal integer value has always been based on the position of the characters in the team selection screen. Try it for yourself if you don't believe me: find two characters with equal match damage but unequal levels (i.e. very unlikely for any decimal portion of their match damage to be equal too), then swap their positions around and watch the tile ownership change in response to that.

    Reread his post until you understand.

    Your logic is true in some cases - say for instance Hulk and Patch are the same level, so have the same green value. They will always have true ties (IE, ties down to even the decimal place) if their levels are the same because they are characters of the same star level with the color in question on the same tier. It is not impossible for two characters to hit a true tie if they have colors on different tiers or are different star levels, but it's not common at all. In cases where they are not true ties (IE, Wolverine has say 47.1 and Marvel has 47.3), the decimal place will take precedence over even character order.

    Tl;Dr - you are correct sometimes, but not this time.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, I recently maxed Gamora and had issues with who she would tank with (Patch kept tanking RG even on the far right)... Checking again today they seem resolved so maybe it has something to do with levelling the character up? E.g. If you noticed this just after leveling up one of those characters, reload the program and see if it fixes itself, maybe.

    I also was running into issues with Capt. Marvel, so it's possible that she's just got some internal exceptions we don't know about. match damage priority seems like one of those things that should be more transparent than it is, but maybe the devs have hard coded some exceptions to avoid situations where one character tanks for 5 colors.
  • I finally found two other character pairs in my roster to test this on:
    1. L90 OBW and L80 Mag2 both have 47 blue match damage. Mag2 always takes blue.
    2. L66 Cyclos and L55 Hood both have 32 yellow match damage. Hood always takes yellow.
    Several tests on off-color match damage confirm the same pattern as well, with most pairs having a dominant character. This means my previous notes on tie-breakers between Ares-Thor and OBW-Daken were either incorrect or coincidental, and the hidden decimal points in match damage appears to be the best explanation here.