R72: Team-ups no longer show number of covers pre-battle

Team-ups in the select a team-up window no longer show the number of covers they have in R72. This makes it very difficult to quickly determine the value of a team-up without examining it in more detail by clicking on the little info button.

If this was an intentional change, then please consider reversing it. The value of a team-up can vary greatly depending on the number of covers, and that piece of information is far more useful than the level of a team-up in many instances.


  • Spiritclaw
    Spiritclaw Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    I noticed this too. It's both in the "press fight" screen and in the "select a team-up" screen on my iPad. Haven't checked steam yet.
  • AI Team-Ups have always been cover level 2, regardless of the level of the Team-Up.
  • Kilwrath
    Kilwrath Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    j12601 wrote:
    AI Team-Ups have always been cover level 2, regardless of the level of the Team-Up.

    Not true, my level 166 team ups showing 5 covers have always listed identical damage as my actual characters with the same level and cover count.

    I just checked a level 166 Luke Cage team up and its damage output is identical to the listed max damage for 5 covers, so it's still factoring cover strength even though it's no longer displaying that information on the team up selection screen.