R72: Clickable area of enemies pre-battle is too small

In the team-up and boost selection screen before battle, players can normally click on enemy characters to see their detailed stats. This is a crucial step in preparing for battle, as there is otherwise no way to find out how much damage enemies can do with their abilities before committing to the fight.

The clickable area for enemy characters was significantly reduced in R72 (Steam version). It is now impossible to click on the enemy in the center as he is completely blocked by the enemy team-up button. The enemy in the left position has only a tiny clickable area around the stomach, and only the enemy on the right can actually be clicked on from waist to shoulder. It seems like the clickable area for members of the player's team have also been reduced, but this is a less urgent concern since one can still check their stats in the team selection screen.

Please enlarge the clickable area for enemies in the team-up and boost selection screen. In fact, please make them larger than they were before, so that they are fully clickable from head to toe, with some extra margin thrown in for good measure. Fighting the interface is never a fun thing to do.