Save team-up and boost choices when cancelling out of battle

Selecting a good team composition, with complementary team-ups and boosts, is often the most important factor in determining the outcome of a battle. This process can be a lot of fun as one strategizes about the upcoming battle, but it is also constantly hampered by the clunky interface. As the game is based primarily on mobile platforms, many of these interface restrictions are difficult to avoid, but there is one aspect of the interface that could be improved for both mobile and PC users.

In the process of planning out the upcoming battle, one frequently has to change the selection of team-ups, boosts, and team members. Unfortunately, cancelling out of the team-up and boost selection menu in order to switch out a team member will reset all changes made to team-ups and boosts. This constant resetting of player options can quickly accumulate into a tremendous waste of time, and becomes extremely frustrating when you find yourself re-selecting the same team-ups and boosts over and over again.

The solution is simple: save the team-up and boost choices when cancelling out of battle.