Collecting 5/5/5 for free respecs

I love the current system for building characters with variable covers. However, I do regularly get annoyed when I collect the cover for the lesser color of a character, only to have that pesky Train button light up, or get those icons telling me a character can be trained when it's just a respec. So i came up with a solution.

Rather than simply stopping at letting us build a character with 13 covers, why don't you allow us to collect 5 of each color and put them in one character to modify their power allocation at will. It'd allow players to have more room to experiment with teams when the 'Optimal build' is debated amongst the forums and wiki comments. Plus it would be good to see every ability experimented with in its 'ultimate' form once in a while. I know I would personally fluctuate between builds between events when different sets of 2*s are buffed. But spending covers to rebuild a character one way then spending more to build it back seems wasteful, especially if it's between a 5/3/5 to a 3/5/5.

With this, there would be no more reminders to put another cover into Training a maxed build character, and collecting 5 of each color would be further encouraged as well as playing around with those colors.


  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    I really like this idea, and it doesn't hurt D3 in the slightest, since it just gives you a small reduction in Iso by not trashing the covers. It would also allow playing different abilities in given situations where they could come in very handy.
  • BEST IDEA YET. Maybe create an extra tab under Team ups and boosts and add a "Covers" tab to make it doable.
  • Basically just separating out the covers collected from the current spec, adds a bit more of an rpg element. You could cover-max (and level up) your Iron Man model 40, but could still play him as if he had just 1 or 2 in Recharge. I like it.