Where to go from here?

edited January 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides

Here's the current version of my roster (I think the only ones I've maybe mis-specced are Iron Man 40 and Captain America, not really looking to start another IM40 unless I just stumble upon the covers).

Open to thoughts. My current plan is to keep working on the 5 high-level 3*s I have, though not really sure what sort of a team would be best out of the 3 (and suddenly my Punisher has all sorts of covers, too)


  • That would make a pretty cool poster.

    I would level obw, Punisher and maybe Daken and hope to win more Patch covers. Then consider leveling Patch.
  • I would try to get some more spidey covers, and also gsw.

    Spidey is, hands down (IMO) the best support char in the game. he provides stun, healing, and defense. He is, however, slated to be nerfed (he is at the end of the qeue, though).

    I really don´t like IM40 (maybe it´s just me, though)

    If you plan to stick to Wolvie, I would look into OBW, putting some iso on her.
  • I would level obw, Punisher and maybe Daken and hope to win more Patch covers. Then consider leveling Patch.

    That's about what I'd say.

    Your LR Villains are looking pretty poor. Might want to start competing in more lightning rounds and earning diabolicals (if possible).