PVP Bracketing and Separating the 4 Stars

Dear Demiurge Staff,

It's getting harder and harder each season for us 2* Star players to compete and enjoy the pvp aspect of the game. We constantly get demolished by the 4* Star players. Is it possible to create a new bracketing schema, separating the 4* Star holders from us?

For Example: Anyone with a certain average level (or whatever weird calculation you want to do) of 4* Star heroes, to fight amongst themselves? Same thing with the 3* Star holders, they can fight amongst themselves. Once the 3* Star people start acquiring more and more 4* Star heroes, they can move into the 4* Star bracket and start competing against them.

It's like allowing the NBA Professionals playing in the amateur leagues, it doesn't make it fun. It turns away new players, especially if you want to foster growth in your game.

Thanks for looking into this!


  • So if a player has 2, 3, and 4 stars on their team, they should never be able to play 2* against someone else's 2*, because by having 4* they're only ever allowed to fight other 4* teams? That sounds rather horrible.

    There are some players who use a good chunk of their roster and climb with 2 or 3 stars until a certain point, then switch over to 3 and 4.

    It's sounding like you want top rewards without using top teams.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,393 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would like to see something like how sim runs

    PVP easy only 1 and 2 stars
    PVP hard 2-3 and 4 stars

    Maybe top 5 in hard would get a 4 star and go down to 150 would get a 3 star. (instead of just top 100)

    In the easy bracket say top 50 get the 3 star (instead of top 100)
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    j12601 wrote:
    So if a player has 2, 3, and 4 stars on their team, they should never be able to play 2* against someone else's 2*, because by having 4* they're only ever allowed to fight other 4* teams? That sounds rather horrible.

    There are some players who use a good chunk of their roster and climb with 2 or 3 stars until a certain point, then switch over to 3 and 4.

    It's sounding like you want top rewards without using top teams.

    i think he's saying that, like myself, it gets to a certain point where we just don't have a chance to beat players we're bracketed against. i have 2-3, 2 star characters at level 94, and the rest are lower. after a few turns in the pvp events, the only matches i get set up with are against teams that have 2-3 level 150+ characters. how am i supposed to compete with that? i just stop playing those events and then get pummelled by better equipped teams and my event points just drop.
  • I would rather wish not to segregate players into different tiers but change the system how points are awarded for fights. It would make more sense to base points not on how high/low your opponent currently stands but how difficult is the fight. Total team health might be quite a sensible measure. If you managed to beat a team which total health is double over yours you get 50 points. Roll over a team that has three times less health than yours - here, get you hard earned 5 points. And for crying out loud don't lock me with opponents that are 1.5-2 times higher levels than mine. That would make PVP much more playable unlike now that you have to wait until last few hours to make any meaningful progress (and for me at this point even top 300 is meaningful)
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd refine that slightly so points gained are determined like it is now, but points lost (which is the real problem everybody has with the system) is affected by the difference in levels and star ratings between your two teams. So if a 2-star player who just finished climbing to 575 gets tagged by a L270 X/Thor team on their way up to 1000, they lose fewer points because their defensive team never had a prayer.
  • @j12601

    Learn to read the post before commenting. Don't jump in if you don't understand what the poster is talking about. And do NOT assume and jump to conclusions, especially in text. Take everything in text as is. It's not like I'm writing Shakespeare and I'm asking for people to analyze the sonnets.

    I NEVER mentioned anything about rewards. They'll have to figure out how to reward players when they do that type of bracketing. It would just be a fighting chance for new players and players that have recently got into the game.
  • it has been suggested many times to break up people into there specific transition, i.e 1 star.png to 2 star.png , 2 star.png to 3 star.png , 3 star.png to 4 star.png , and 4 star.png +, with appropriate awards for each step by entering into each bracket it locks you into it for each event. i put it into the feb Q and A but it didn't get enough votes. Right now the majority people that need a specific reward to improve their transition are not able to place high enough to get it. DDQ helps but is really geared for people with a large roster of 3*s this can be remedied by adding an extra node that disables the 3 star.png node set and gives 2 taco tokens instead if you don't have that character, or you don't need them, to help build roster diversity. the real problem is MMR where people are fighting opponents that out class them and the lack of rewards. A quick change is that they can change the brackets from 500 to 300 top 100 stays the same 3* rewards top 100, 100 -200 has the same cover distribution with the as the 3* but with feature 2* ie 101 gets 3 covers of 2* ... and 201-300 get 3 standards and iso. not sure how to balance 3* to 4* and 4* plus without breaking game, smaller bracket means more people winning 4* covers. Another thing they can add i been thinking about a lot is participation awards given out randomly post event including featured 4* covers, 3* covers, hp, and iso rewards.

    phew i'm spent please review and criticize.
  • Another thing they can add i been thinking about a lot is participation awards given out randomly post event including featured 4* covers, 3* covers, hp, and iso rewards.
    If they add the same 4* for placing exactly 100, 200 or 300 it would be like having a lottery inside the event. I like the idea.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    I agree. And that is why you see people try to snipe, since they might not have a shot at it normally. Though, folks running Xthor do it as well, since they can climb so fast. And I love how the points work...a lvl 270 team beats my 94s, and they get 35 points!!! If i revenge them, I get 15? Seriously?

    It should bracket folks based on average roster level or something.