Energy Absorption going off in Survival node

I was playing deadpools daily today and on the last node after I defeated one of the goon waves, the next wave started with captain marvel using energy absorption. I did not do any damage to her, only to the last goon from the previous wave.


  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    The same thing happened to me. There's an intermittent bug where the portraits of the next wave of enemies will replace the current wave - it seems this may also extend to passive ability effects. The former is a minor annoyance, the latter is far more severe.

    If only we could replay the Deadpool Daily survival node and get a solid repro rate...
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    This just happened to me today in the last DDQ survival node. Had to do a double take and check the enemy's AP.
  • FYI, if you defeat the last of a wave with a regular match, any of your attack tiles will apply to the front character of the next wave---so if you're using something like Blade's purple, it's entirely possible for Captain Marvel to trigger even though you didn't see her until after you made your move. She'll also show damage from the attack tiles.

    No idea if there's anything else wonky happening, just one possibility.
  • orbitalint
    orbitalint Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    Same happened to me, I used a AOE to down the goons and Marvel got an energy absorption to start the next wave...still had my move after that but it was annoying.

    Devs, hope it gets looked into soon! icon_e_smile.gif