Deadpool's Life of the Party countdown triggering instantly

wuweird Posts: 75 Match Maker
This has happened to me a few times now, most recently in the node for the Mystique cover in the Deadpool Daily...

Final wave, 3* Cap used Star-Spangled Avenger on X-Force Wolvie and Deadpool's Life of the Party triggered (because I apparently can't read numbers today). His black countdown dropped and immediately triggered, healing him instantly. This was effectively still in my turn; I thought it was always a 1-turn countdown. Is it immediate at level 5 or is this a bug?



  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    I have Deadpool with 5 black... it definitely still waits one "tick" to trigger.

    Sounds like a bug.
  • It is a known "feature" from what I gather. Countdown tiles are reduced starting from the upper left corner across to the right, and then down to the next row and across to the right, all the way to the bottom right corner. But if a countdown tile, after it has been reduced, is dropped ahead of the "pointer" it will get reduced a second time. So in theory, you could have one countdown tile that went from 8 to 0 in one round if the cascade RNG is particularly (un)kind and it continued to drop from row to row. (That is if either it or a different countdown tile triggers each cascade after the "bonus" reduction. If it falls from the top row to the bottom in one cascade it will only reduce one additional time.)