Thoughts on the current matching system



  • I always cringe when I see the "portion of a cover" idea suggested, but if we were capable of actually acquiring cover portions on a semi-regular basis, I guess it would be fine. It would certainly be better than the 0th of a cover I'm earning from the higher tier progression rewards right now.
  • Moon 17 wrote:
    I always cringe when I see the "portion of a cover" idea suggested, but if we were capable of actually acquiring cover portions on a semi-regular basis, I guess it would be fine. It would certainly be better than the 0th of a cover I'm earning from the higher tier progression rewards right now.

    Heroic tokens are basically fraction of a 3* cover, without knowing who you're going to get (nobody really needs 2* after a certain point). As long as 'fraction of a 3 star cover' is available consistently, it should be okay.

    They could just make them specific heroic tokens, like instead of 1/3 of Punisher red, make a special token that has 2/3 chance of being a consoliation prize and 1/3 chance of being Punisher red. Might keep things more exciting too, at least for the guys who hit the jackpot.
  • I don't disagree with WorstAvenger. The only problem is imbalance between 2 and 3-star levels. 85 Thor and Wolvie are way better than 85 Mags and Punisher.

    I think ultimately, the scaling would have to be made independent of their rarity rating then. For example, despite 4* Wolverine's rarity, 2* Wolverine is actually considered the more powerful of the two. It would have to be something done on the back-end where, characters are ranked according to their most common build with their levels factored into play to come up with a composite score to compare the characters against one another.

    Yeah. Complicated.