Not getting points in shield WTH

I've just won 5 matches in a row and have not gotten any points for them. Is this happening to anyone else?


  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Were any of them against the sandboxed users listed here: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=23288&p=306145#p306145
  • If you won fights against any of the following, you're not going to get points.

    ACHILLES (there's some numbers instead of some of the letters)

    All of them have been sandboxed but are still showing up in the queues, and appear to be worth a nice chunk of points. The points you "gain" are fake and won't actually affect your score. The ISO you have to spend to skip them, and any damage you take if you fight them, is real however. Better to be out the 10 ISO (OK, it's more than that... I've spent hundreds if not thousands skipping those same names today) than the health.
  • Dang, as a matter of fact it was against some of them. Thanks for replying about this and adding the link.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I've been having the same problem. I don't remember the names of the people I fought against but there were about 3-4 40 to 50 point matches that I received no points for. First I thought it was server lag making the points delayed but I never received them at all. That's really annoying, especially since my alliance desperately needs those points at the end of the season.
  • This really isn't on. I fell for this about 7 times before I realised I was being screwed every time. With shield cooldown times you wait 8 hours to hit and then find out you've completely wasted your time and shield. On top of the wasted shield there's the iso wasted on boosts and skipping after you've realised the problem. I sent customer services a mail about this the other day but im guessing nothing will come of it.

    This problem needs fixed. Its cheating your customers out of real money.