Quick question how matching works if im understanding this

slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
right. They try to group people into where they started the game and your team wise total or time wise more.

Going to make something up here if they do time wise.. and dont really worry about your teams

new to 1 month
1 month to 3 months
3 months to 6 months
6months to 9 months
9 months to year
year to 18 months

Say player A and B joined at the same time and right now they are in slice 3 (3 months to 6 months) Player A needs a break and decides to leave the game and take a break for just say 3 months.

we now have 6 slices
new to 1 month
1 to 3
3 to 6
6 to 9
9 to year
year to 18
18 +

I know Team B would move into slice 4 since they have now been here 6 months, Player A been here 6 months as well but has not played for 3 months (so only 3 months real game time) would they be pushed to slice 4 or would they remain in slice 3.

I mostly ask this cause thinking of taking some time off but if im kept in the same bracket im in now, it will mean the people im in the bracket with will have a 3 month jump on me (better covers- more wacked out people ect ) Or would it be that since my Team did not rank up that high i would still be in slice 3 with people who was in slice 2 who are now in slice 3.

Or to put it simple how badly would i be hurt gamewise if i decided to leave for a month or two. When i came back could i get right back into the game,or would i be so underleveled in the brackets i would be put in (Cause here the same time as player B) it would not be fun to come back into.


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    What? I don't think that's a factor at all.
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    This post is built on multiple layers of misunderstandings about how this game works. I really don't understand where some of these assumptions are coming from. The actual mechanics of bracketing and placing are based on fairly simple concepts.

    The short answer is, no, you don't hurt yourself in any way by taking a break. Your MMR probably will decay (may do so through time or might through missed placements), so if anything it'll help.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought they said before how they group people in PVP is amount of time played and Size of your team (how powerful it is)

    So grouping in PVP is just based on the Level of your team?

    Thinking about taking a few weeks to a month off in the future and did not know how bad it was going to be to come back
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Rather than being concerned with the match making or bracketing algorithms, think about the characters you'll miss and effect of power creep on your current roster versus them.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    MMR is based mainly on strength of roster and win/loss ratio, possibly with an added component that looks at PVP placement.

    Nobody knows exactly how it works.

    But regardless, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, by all means, take a break from the game, slidecage. An extended one. Including forum abstinence.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Rather than being concerned with the match making or bracketing algorithms, think about the characters you'll miss and effect of power creep on your current roster versus them.

    see this is what i mean would i stay with the same group im in now or would i be pushed back, i mean if you would be pushed back you would not really have that massive effect on the power creep since you would be put into the bracket with people who never had the chance to get them at all. Maybe just getting burned out on PVE or something but something is just bugging me and thinking about taking a break just didnt now bad it would hurt.

    They used to play another game starts with a W with 3 numbers and they left that for 6 months and when they tried to get back into it so much has changed they just could never get back into it and gave up.
  • rednailz
    rednailz Posts: 559
    Bowgentle wrote:
    MMR is based mainly on strength of roster and win/loss ratio, possibly with an added component that looks at PVP placement.

    Nobody knows exactly how it works.

    But regardless, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, by all means, take a break from the game, slidecage. An extended one. Including forum abstinence.

    I"ve heard that Jamie Madrox and Jesus know how it works...
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    slidecage wrote:
    would i stay with the same group im in now or would i be pushed back, i mean if you would be pushed back you would not really have that massive effect on the power creep since you would be put into the bracket with people who never had the chance to get them at all. Maybe just getting burned out on PVE or something but something is just bugging me and thinking about taking a break just didnt now bad it would hurt.

    Well, the way MM works (as we know it) you would not be segregated from people with the new chars so you would just have to trust that it pairs you (at least below a threshold) against teams of what it considers similar strength/progression/whatever.

    Another option might be to talk to Narkon, I think (s)he took a couple month break. See what his (her?) experience is.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    I join every event, but most I only play the seed teams and tank a few times. My MMR is low enough that when I want a 1st place reward, I only need 5-700 points to win. I have a maxed Xforce, 256 Fury, and about 15 maxed 3 star.png and my brackets end up being cake walks.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    slidecage wrote:
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Rather than being concerned with the match making or bracketing algorithms, think about the characters you'll miss and effect of power creep on your current roster versus them.

    see this is what i mean would i stay with the same group im in now or would i be pushed back, i mean if you would be pushed back you would not really have that massive effect on the power creep since you would be put into the bracket with people who never had the chance to get them at all. Maybe just getting burned out on PVE or something but something is just bugging me and thinking about taking a break just didnt now bad it would hurt.

    They used to play another game starts with a W with 3 numbers and they left that for 6 months and when they tried to get back into it so much has changed they just could never get back into it and gave up.

    Again, not a factor...
  • For what it is worth, I took 2 months off and seem to be competing roughly at the same place I was before. No hey this is easy because my MMR is so low, and no OMG this is so much harder than before I left.
    I think more people have T4orverine these days than before but they were still what I had to worry about back in December also.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    It will not affect your bracket placement or who you fight. That's based on when you join your slice and your score.

    Will you miss out on characters? Yes.
    Will you miss out on other prizes and events? Yes.
    Will new people who currently play move past you? Yes.
    Will there be more new people? Yes.
    Will vets quit? Yes.
    Will there be huge changes such as true healing and shield cool downs? Possibly.

    Take your break if you want. I don't know what you want us to tell you here.
  • The grouping is not just based on time in the game, but on past performance, roster, and a whole other series of factors.

    So, yes, you will slowly get pushed into easier and easier ranges until you come back. Once you come back and win a few events easily, you'll spring back up into the brackets where you regularly belong, though this will probably be a weaker bracket than the one your friend is in. Taking a leave of absence might hurt due to possible missed rewards, but the game tries to compensate to help you to catch back up if you miss an event or two, and honestly it's nice to totally avoid the grind of MPQ every once in awhile.

    It also helps if you hoard tokens before you intend to take your leave.

    So YES, take a temporary leave of absence and it'll help everyone.
  • Based on what D3 has said, for PvP, the game apparently only cares about your performance so if you suck at the game enough you can get matches that are way below your roster's power, though as soon as you start winning your matches (not event, just the matches), it'll likely wipe out your effort to suck and you'll get matched against players appropriate for you, though you'll be placed in an easier bracket at the start until the game decides you've become better. How the game determines what a good performance is anyone's guess.

    For PvE, your roster determines where the enemy level starts at but again the game will try to put you in a bracket with people it considers to have similar performance and nobody knows how the game decides why someone is similar to you in performance. While your enemy levels in PvE won't noticeably decline no matter how much you manage to suck at the game, the game will eventually group you up with competition that it considers to be on par with you, though it might not match your expectations. Obviously there is a lower and upper bound the limit of how good/bad you can be either, as someone still has to win the hardest bracket and someone still has to lose in the easiest bracket.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    Based on what D3 has said, for PvP, the game apparently only cares about your performance so if you suck at the game enough you can get matches that are way below your roster's power, though as soon as you start winning your matches (not event, just the matches), it'll likely wipe out your effort to suck and you'll get matched against players appropriate for you, though you'll be placed in an easier bracket at the start until the game decides you've become better. How the game determines what a good performance is anyone's guess.

    For PvE, your roster determines where the enemy level starts at but again the game will try to put you in a bracket with people it considers to have similar performance and nobody knows how the game decides why someone is similar to you in performance. While your enemy levels in PvE won't noticeably decline no matter how much you manage to suck at the game, the game will eventually group you up with competition that it considers to be on par with you, though it might not match your expectations. Obviously there is a lower and upper bound the limit of how good/bad you can be either, as someone still has to win the hardest bracket and someone still has to lose in the easiest bracket.

    thanks for that info. Screwed up my back and dont really feel like sitting in hard chair 1 hour or more at a time playing this right now, so might be looking at a break in the near future and was worried if i stay away too long i may get in trouble
  • So basically I should pretty much take a dive these last two pvp events so when they put up IF as the reward I can be grouped with some pushovers....hmmm...sorry thinking out loud.
  • I heard one player got a welcome back Fury cover as a gift after a prolonged break (to entice them back into the game).
    So after only a few months' break, you could have a free Fury, too!

    No trolling 100%.
  • ValekBoss
    ValekBoss Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    Jup heard that to..
  • Genuine question. What game would you move to? This game seems to be so far below your expectations, based on 90% of your posts, that I actually really want to know what game you are thinking of moving to. As I might give it a whirl.