Crash on Mission Start

This has happened to me about 4-5 times this week. I select a mission, characters, teamups, then I start the mission. Right when I start and the tiles drop, the game crashes. I'm playing on a Nexus 5. Happens randomly in both pve and pvp. Sucks because my characters lose health for no good reason. Is this a known issue and is there a fix?


  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Also seeing it on the Galaxy s5
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    I've also had this problem for a while. Choose node, enter boosts, click play - the fight screen comes up and immediate crash. Heroes lose health, boosts lost (lost match). On a Nexus 7 5.0.2.

    So far it hasn't impacted me that badly, but I know it eventually will hit me when I'm in a final pvp push or grinding the last hour of a pve sub.

    I did notice this time that there was an alliance chat flag up when i restarted - there were no new chat messages though.

    I've also turned off app notifications and will see if that helps (grasping at straws but I'll try anything to stop the crashes!).
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Same problem on a Nexus 7, 5.0.2. Makes climbing in PvP really frustrating.
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    Just crashed again in a lightning round - so probably not app notifications. No alliance chat flag this time on restart.
  • gruffbear
    gruffbear Posts: 23
    I've been having the same issue for months on a Nexus 7 (2013) tablet. I haven't gotten anywhere with support, and it's getting really tiresome. Losing health, boosts that cost ISO, and points in the event/season sucks. I have a very strong internet connection (85Mbps down just now), plenty of free memory, nothing else running, and I don't use the app on any other devices. It happened when I was running 4.4.4, and it's still happening with 5.0.2. It's stock Android, no rooting. I've cleared my cache many times, even reinstalled the app. I have all notifications turned off, and I'm not receiving notifications from anything else when the problem occurs.
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    Just happened again to me in Krakadoom.

    I see there is another thread suggesting more and more people are experiencing this viewtopic.php?f=9&t=26514.

    Any ideas Reds?
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    And again... This time during my final pvp climb...
  • Same problem here.
    Nexus 7 32 gb wifi 2013
    Latest mpq version
    Android 5.02
  • This game has had a crashing problem to some degree for over a year. Since R73 it seems like you look at it wrong and it crashes. Really sucks during a match or when claiming rewards, and happening several times a day. Even rebooting the phone two or three times a day doesn't seem to help this much. There seems to be something extremely unstable about this version. ZTE Valet Android 4.1.1.

    I have plenty of health packs and a diverse roster, so it doesn't hurt me as much as some of the others. This has to be super frustrating for those trying to claw their way up in this game, for it to crash and take away so much of their hard earned progress.
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    And crash again - this time during grind time in Iso-8 Brotherhood pve event.

    I've seen Reds respond to these threads before - do they just selectively choose which ones to answer?
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Hey Bender,

    Have you submitted a ticket from your device about your crashes? We are currently reviewing crash reports that look related to the ones reported in this thread. The more information we have, the easier it should be for us to isolate the issue and address it.

  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey Bender,

    Have you submitted a ticket from your device about your crashes? We are currently reviewing crash reports that look related to the ones reported in this thread. The more information we have, the easier it should be for us to isolate the issue and address it.


    It should be device-independent (at least on android) since this bug is in-game, for me too, for ages.

    Luckily it does not happen to me so often.

    The last few times I had it, the board had available match5-swaps, however this may be just "luck".
  • It's happening to me too, galaxy s4, just happened twice during final push on balance of power, most irritating.
  • I also submitted a crash report via the ticket. Been happening for the last hour now icon_e_sad.gif
  • Started happening for me about an hour ago, have not been able to successfully start any missions... Using a Note 4 with 5.0.1 icon_cry.gif
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    The game has crashed 3 times in a row just now! On the menus or trying to go to battle. I use Steam on Win8.
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    I have not logged a ticket for the crashes as ever since I turned off notifications through Settings I have not had a crash (I had turned off notifications at the OS app level previously but was still crashing). It's been a week since my last crash so I'm cautiously optimistic.
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    I take back my last reply. I just crashed again during a sub grind in Prodigal Sun (just used a health pack *sigh*). Ticket is on the way.