Suggestion to reduce PvE ISO 20 spam

First off, awesome game. During the last patch the rate at which you see rewards vs the Iso 20 was increased so yay! However, when there is only 1 reward left it often takes well over 10 tries, sometimes over 20, to get that last reward. It's still kind of ridiculous, especially when you need more HP to buy another slot so you can stop seeing more pop-ups about hero training (covered elsewhere). A suggestion, please further increase the rate at which you see rewards vs Iso 20 consolation prizes. If you are unwilling to do so, perhaps you would consider something like an Iso driven roulette to try and get the reward again? It introduces another sink for Iso (more IAP for you guys) and would help cut down on the massive re-grinding for that last reward. It people are unwilling to pay, they can still keep replaying like they do now. For people that are really tired of killing the same 3 enemies over and over and over, this allows them to cut down on that by a significant margin.


  • I'd prefer they just increase the default ISO reward you receive when you don't receive one of th 4 actual rewards (ie. up the reward to at least 50 iso instead of 20) but once all 4 rewards have been collected, reduce the ISO reward back down to 20 to keep people from grinding easy missions for large bonuses. icon_e_smile.gif
  • That doesn't help the people that have yet to clear each round 4 times. To get a green check mark on a mission, you actually need to play it at least 20 times. For each mission, it's a bit much in my opinion.
  • That doesn't help the people that have yet to clear each round 4 times. To get a green check mark on a mission, you actually need to play it at least 20 times. For each mission, it's a bit much in my opinion.

    Agreed that it doesn't help clear things any quicker but I don't think it should; I just think the default ISO reward for not getting one of the rewards needs to be higher so it's not wasted effort. If the chance of winning the rewards was increased any more it would be too easy, in my opinion but I realize not everyone feels the way I do. icon_e_smile.gif
  • For the love of god. This. Please. I can't even be bothered to try to get the last Daken cover from the Oscorp missions already. It's just a waste of my time.

    I'm better off doing mindless grinding of 20 ISO from the basic missions and trying to gets lots of ISO in order to buy 1 star covers, than have to play through harder battles where I have to put in brain power. And by doing so I even have a chance to earn other covers I need.

    I know you guys want to encourage us to buy stuff, but putting that 36/63 rewards obtained on the front page that cannot be cleared unless we spend hours upon hours fighting pointless missions and getting 20 ISO each time just feels manipulative.
  • Really feeling it after two days of fighting for a final mission reward and still getting 20 Iso-8 each time. Yeah the game type goes hand in hand with grinding...but for two days on one mission? There's still room for tweaking IMO.
  • im all for upping the default iso given for grinding an award. I like the random 70/140 split that happens in PvP tourney. Maybe something like:

    at least 1 unclaimed reward = already completed is a random 70 or 140 iso reward
    all claimed rewards = 70 iso reward + increased chance of random boost

    if you think that the 70iso reward would get abused on the lvl 1 enemies then maybe make the already claimed iso reward scaled to the chapters. 20iso per 15 levels of enemy that you fight. so a level 50 enemy would be 60iso and a level 1 would only be 20 iso.