My juice tastes like water

edited February 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
It's really hard for me to understand how the developing process runs at MPQ headquarters. It feels like one hand doesn't understand what the other one is doing.

Your analogy in the Video Q&A about the glasses, the water and new juice was spot on. You understood the problem. If I put more and more glasses I either need a lot more water or a way to fill one particulary (or in this case five). That's where I thought you're new DDQ will kick in. But I can't horde tokens to spend them on a characterset I like nor does 1 single cover help my somehow covered characters. It's really just more water and you're changing the glasses every 5 days. It amazes me how you can come up with such a new fun gamemode that has such a high potential to solve a lot of problems in this game and then you just go full derp. From how I understood it, you designed this mode to help transitioners to get a specific character up.

Why not let the characters run for 15 days? Why not let me save up a mass of tokens so I have a realistic chance at pulling a cover I need?

It's like coming up with the five time slices and putting them 30 minutes away from each other. It helps, yes, but I know you can do better.


  • While I do understand the sentiment. What if some players don't need any of one character but need lots of another, why feature one guy for that long that is helping some people a lot and others not at all. Spreading it out help everyone a little.

    Also how does the saying go?
    -Gift horse, mouth, don't
  • Spreading it out help everyone a little.
    That's exactly my point. I thought the ddq was there to "specialise" in characters. If you don't need the current set: there you go, 30 tokens, use them if you like the next set. If the next set still aint your thing, get them up to 60. At some point your guys will show up and then you will hopefully have enough tokens to make an impact.
  • energythief
    energythief Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    The main thing that's wrong is that the required node requires a character most transitioning players won't have yet, preventing them from scoring a token.
  • rednailz
    rednailz Posts: 559
    The main thing that's wrong is that the required node requires a character most transitioning players won't have yet, preventing them from scoring a token.

    I get tired of cosntant crisism on these forums. D3 could start giving away a 4* every day and some one would complain about the drop rate, or the balance of who drops when.....but that is a very valid point.

    Guess all you can do if you don't have the featured is cross your fingers when you open your tacos.
  • Agreed, you can only get the cover when you have at least one of that character already, which is inconvenient for new players.
    But apart from that, I think that new event was a great idea. I mostly play it for the iso, since the only cover I needed until now was R&G yellow.
  • Gross title for a thread icon_e_surprised.gif
  • There are too many threads like this one. I say that because I am already getting tired of repeating myself on the topic. The new feature is not meant to allow players to jump into light speed and cruise through the game. It does seem meant to speed up the process more than the process took before.

    In other words, this feature seems meant to supplement the stage of the game players are currently at. So, if you are at the 1* or 2* stage, it will assist you with that stage, but not provide significant help in skipping it to go to the transition process. If you are in the transition stage, it's going to help you build on what you already have and as you go along in the transition process there will be fewer and fewer times get you get locked out of an event.

    For 4* transition, it's non-competitive, it's iso, it's a chance at more hp, the things needed to at that stage of the game.
  • Agreed. Simple question... would you rather devs rescind DDQ?
  • i really dont think they intended to have you have 2 or 3 characters go from 2 covers to 12 covers in a matter of a month though the dpq alone. i think the idea was for those who had 15+ 1-5 cover characters sitting in their roster who were getting maybe 6 golds a week to go to about 15 golds per week spread out over all your existing characters to increase the overall sense of progression. in that it has succeeded.

    as to the tokens, the drop rates are abysmal (2.2% for each of the 5, 11% overall). youd still have to save 200 tokens to maybe get 5 of a specific character.
  • It's meant to supplement, not substitute for, other means of acquiring 3* covers. It's more covers than you were getting before and a good chunk of Iso every day for relatively minimal effort. It is purely additive with no downside whatsoever.

    Is it a perfect solution to every problem with this game? No. Is it likely to dramatically change your life? I hope not. But whatever you get out of it is a net gain to what you were getting before it existed, without any competitive drama. Just you clearing some nodes for profit and spending some quality time with your bro Deadpool. Go with it.
  • So because you didn't get to max out the covers you needed (everyone else be damned) the devs have no idea what they are doing. Ok got it, thanks.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2015
    The main thing that's wrong is that the required node requires a character most transitioning players won't have yet, preventing them from scoring a token.

    I've said this in a multitude of other threads, and I empathize with another poster who has done the same - this is NOT meant to give you NEW characters, it is meant to SUPPLEMENT your old ones.
    I have 30 3* characters, and when we did the vote on how many characters you have under-covered (from 1-3 covers each) last month, my vote was right up there at 13 (see poll This sort of event helps me get those multitude of characters from 3 covers to 4, or 9 to 10. It may not seem like much to you now, but for me, it's made a huge difference.

    What you need to do at this point is hoard HP and use it ONLY on slots, like many of us others have. The characters you truly don't like, remove, rather than keep (for me this was Doc Ock and She Hulk, not because they suck, but because I don't like them). Then keep the rest and allow the covers to trickle in. You'll quickly be surprised how fast that can happen. Just keep at it. Most of my 1-3 cover characters from that poll are now at 4-7 covers each, so it DOES happen.

    [EDIT] Since that poll, 4/21 of the said characters have become the regular mainstay of my force, all between 9-12 covers. I have also increased my roster slots to 48. The roster slots were bought with F2P achieved HP, and most of the covers were event wins or token draws (exception of 3 covers I admit to buying with regular money icon_razz.gif)
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh look, another " This event doesn't cater especially and specifically to me and my wishes! Who cares that it's enjoyed by thousands others, me, me, me!" Invariably that catering seems to magically go from a middling 2* team to a regular tournament top placement above the folks that have spent much more time or money in the game to get there.

    If we could get there WITHOUT DDQ, you'll be grateful that now, thanks to it, your own journey will be significantly easier and quicker, if not nigh-instantaneous as you believe yourself entitled to experience.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    OP is a glass is half empty kind of person it seems.

    You could give him $50 and instead of getting a "thank you" you'll get "Why didn't you give me $100?"

    That's all I'm getting out of this thread.

    I didn't have BP for the first one, I drew him the next day with a Taco Token. I didn't have Spidey for today's, but I drew him today with a Taco Token.

    I absolutely love this event. If you don't have the character, too bad. You're only out 1 cover. You still have 3 other nodes and a Taco Token you can get from the event.

    There are some people you just will never make happy.
  • siebenvier wrote:
    But I can't horde tokens to spend them on a characterset I like...

    I'm confused, why not? It's only 6 days in. I figured the first time I didn't have a required character I could just open my hoarded taco tokens for a decent shot at getting them, and if I miss it, I'm out of luck for the day. I sort of feel bad for all the people who have to open their tokens right away and end up screwing themselves.

    I somewhat disagree with the "not meant to get new characters" comments. I bet a lot of 2* rosters without many 3*'s are getting decent returns on those taco tokens. Obviously you're not going to max a character from tokens alone, but it helps provide a start.
  • Ok, first of all: I really like the mode and I'm having a lot of fun playing it.
    But this is not some "special liquid" (like mentioned here from about 6:40 on). It's basically more of the old liquid and my whole point is that I don't think that this is intentional.

    If you somehow read out of that that I want more stuff or that the event doesn't cater my personal needs.... that's you, that's not what I wrote.

    daibar wrote:
    siebenvier wrote:
    But I can't horde tokens to spend them on a characterset I like...

    I'm confused, why not?
    Because your old tokens won't update on the new token pool.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    siebenvier wrote:
    Why not let me save up a mass of tokens so I have a realistic chance at pulling a cover I need?.

    Am I missing something? Are you not able to hold onto these tokens? I've opened mine because I need Luke and Grocket covers. But I can't imagine why you wouldn't be able to horde them until the odds are in your favor.
  • energythief
    energythief Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    rednailz wrote:
    The main thing that's wrong is that the required node requires a character most transitioning players won't have yet, preventing them from scoring a token.

    I get tired of cosntant crisism on these forums. D3 could start giving away a 4* every day and some one would complain about the drop rate, or the balance of who drops when.....but that is a very valid point.

    Guess all you can do if you don't have the featured is cross your fingers when you open your tacos.

    Constant criticism? LOL... It's my first ever post on the matter. I suppose I've just misunderstood the purpose of the DDQ event.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Yeah -- DDQ is for people who already have gotten at least one cover for the character in question, which is why there's the gate. Everybody else has to get that first cover the old fashioned way: by blind dumb luck with a token.

    Also, every time I read this post's title I really want to say "My cat's breath smells like cat food."
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    Everybody else has to get that first cover the old fashioned way: by blind dumb luck with a token.
    Or perhaps a half-hearted effort in any event...