Iso Accelerator

What would you all think about adding in a personal Iso multiplier so that as you progress in the game the amount of Iso you gain naturally increases.

How you say?

It could be as simple as +2% Iso for every roster slot you own.

This way buying a roster slot is worth more than just a placeholder for a character you rarely play. Newbies with 5 slots? Have +10% Iso enjoy. Veterans with 50? Double Iso time, sweet. Mega whales with 100 roster slots? You have earned it triple Iso for you, go crazy.



  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like it. Wouldn't make me feel like the HP I spend on a roster slot is getting flushed down the toilet.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    What would you all think about adding in a personal Iso multiplier so that as you progress in the game the amount of Iso you gain naturally increases.
    How you say?
    It could be as simple as +2% Iso for every roster slot you own.
    This way buying a roster slot is worth more than just a placeholder for a character you rarely play. Newbies with 5 slots? Have +10% Iso enjoy. Veterans with 50? Double Iso time, sweet. Mega whales with 100 roster slots? You have earned it triple Iso for you, go crazy.

    In this scenario, I'd be making 35-40k per day currently. The DDQ alone would be worth 7400 a day minimum, 9400 max.

    While I'd obviously love that and it would get a few of my slacker characters up to speed pretty quickly, that seems like a flood. Three maxed 3*s from scratch every 2 weeks would mean a trivial amount of time before there's hundreds of thousands of iso sitting on rosters, which basically makes selling it moot.
  • Ok just for grumpy we will slow it down to +1% for each slot over 50 and +1/2% for each slot over 75 icon_e_wink.gif

    Seriously don't know how some of you guys have the time to do it, I have more max cover 3*s under level 100 than over it and I haven't even dreamed of leveling a 4* let alone several...

    How about we let the multiplier apply to purchased iso as well? Sweeten the pot a little for those willing to make the purchases.
  • Interesting idea, there's potential in this suggestion.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ok just for grumpy we will slow it down to +1% for each slot over 50 and +1/2% for each slot over 75 icon_e_wink.gif
    Seriously don't know how some of you guys have the time to do it, I have more max cover 3*s under level 100 than over it and I haven't even dreamed of leveling a 4* let alone several...
    How about we let the multiplier apply to purchased iso as well? Sweeten the pot a little for those willing to make the purchases.

    I suppose I'm above average (or was compared to the poll moon roach put up a while back), but as far as Iso, I'm only now getting most of everyone over 100, and still only have 2 maxed (3 soon with Deadpool). I still have plenty of underleveled 3*s; Gamora, Colossus, Beast, She-Hulk are all around lvl63 off the top of my head.

    The thing about this system is the guys with the most roster spots are also more likely to be pulling in large amounts of iso, so adding a percentage is you're dangerously close to creating an exponential amount of growth from the bottom to the top, and you never want exponential growth.

    I do think DDQ is enough of a boost to the economy. Sprinkle in a few more double iso PvPs like they did last season, and I think you're at a comfortable outflow rate.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like the idea but the numbers are too high. After doing some thinking I came up with:

    Each purchased roster slot increases "bonus" ISO by 1 per slot

    For not skipping a battle, you earn 30 + the number of slots. Skipping reduces this amount by 33% per skip until you face the skip tax (alternatively you could flat reduce the amount by 10 until you reach -10, this would let veterans skip 7-12 or so times before paying the tax. Developers may not like that so that's why I proposed a 33% drop)

    With 36 purchased slots, you could earn +66, +44, +22 bonus ISO. Next would be no bonus, after would still be the -10 ISO skip tax.

    The average amount you earn from PvP without skipping is about 170 so increasing that by 30 or 50 would be a nice boost in ISO income without raising it ridiculous amounts.

    Booby prize for PvE events is now 20 + bonus. This bonus does not apply to Prologue missions, missions ground down to be worth only 1 point (to prevent exploiting easy missions), or Gauntlet battles (since they aren't worth any points).

    I would suggest changing Gauntlet to guarantee one of the prizes until all 4 are claimed before switching over to the booby 20 ISO prize (since there isn't any scoring advantage for repeating Gauntlet battles and they tend to be hard anyway). Would give a reason to play the missions if you're bored and there's nothing else to do (while letting you try out different team comps too). I did the goon only hard node like 5 or 6 times in a row getting only the 20 ISO prize (with 3 of the 4 still supposedly available).
  • I would much rather see it tied to max level characters than roster slots. If you got say 100 iso per day per max character, with a maximum based on the number of characters in the game, you would then have 6,200 iso bonus, roughly 20% more than you get from the Deadpool Dailies.


    It also gives you a reason to hold on to and level your 1* and 2* characters. Suddenly Yelena is not just a waste of an 800HP roster slot, she's a +100 iso/day battery to help level up new characters faster. Even Bag Man suddenly has value and a real reason to be leveled up.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I am pretty conflicted about this idea. As someone with a large-ish roster I would love to have more ISO coming in to add levels to this growing cast of characters. But doesn't this create a 'rich get richer' scenario where established players have the potential to progress *a lot* faster than newer players?

    An older idea that seemed to have merit was to try to scale the ISO reward for a battle so that it was better matched to the relative 'power' of the opposing roster. Here are a few examples:
    If you are a 3* team, taking the field against another 3* team - let's set this as a baseline for the conversation.
    If you are going to take your 3*s onto the field against a fully-leveled XForce/Goddess this seems like a fight that should net you more ISO.
    Conversely, beating up on a 2* squad seems like it should give less ISO, since it was (hopefully) less of a 'stretch'.

    Rather than trying to do 'power' ratings within a star tier, I would argue that this would be simplest if it was just based on total stars in the fight. Every star disparity between the 2 teams should affect the ISO multiplier for the ISO reward.

    It might be best to not have this affect the ISO awarded as the "bonus" or the ensuing "skip tax".

    The ISO reward calculation should not be tied to the event points awarded for a given match. Those 2 things are already calculated differently, this would continue to do that.

    (Most of this post wound up being a counter-suggestion that might wind up derailing the original conversation. Feel free to ignore it if debate on the original position continues to evolve.)
  • I see two separate progression bars. One is get a competition level team ready for battle as quickly as possible to earn the best COVER rewards. Which often comes with a large amount of iso and HP, but often people are boosting and shielding large portions of their winnings away.

    The other is a slower progression bar of leveling up the other characters. Some characters aren't seen as good enough so no one wastes ISO leveling them, because there is not enough iso to go around for most players. That is the biggest reason for this suggestion. It is a daunting task to level so many characters, tying it to roster slot just means you have a little more butter to spread across all the people you are trying to level instead of only picking a handful and ignoring the rest.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I started a spreadsheet of my roster some months ago, and I am depressed that my "ISO to finish" number has remained very flat in recent months. It had been going down early in my tracking experiment, but the rate has increased to the point that I am barely treading water. I am finishing characters, but they are dropping them fast enough that I am not 'making progress'.

    Given that trend - the most damning indictment I usually have to offer a new character is if I circle back to level one of my old characters rather than putting ISO into that 'new' character.

    I would love more ISO... like 3.5M more... I'll find a way to get behind any change in the system that would help that number start to trend downward again.