A Cautionary Tale of Caution

DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
edited February 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi, I'm Dave, and I did something kinda hilariously boneheaded last night.

A tiny bit of background: I have a moderate sleep disorder, and currently use Ambien to get to bed at a reasonable hour. It always gets me to sleep, but sometimes (depending on how empty my stomach is) it's more effective than at other times.

Anyhow, last night I popped my pill and sat down to play some MPQ on my phone before bedding down. I'm grinding along on some Enemy of the State nodes, and I feel the drug starting to kick in. Hey, I says to myself, it's working well tonight. But I kept playing, to max out before the end of the sub-event. I'm noticing that the tiles are starting to get... a little out of focus. Kinda jumping out! Hey, Demiurge's artists really outdid themselves with this new 3-D art! Oh, wait... it's the pill. I'm woozier and woozier. I notice that I'm not really getting the right tiles to match up.... Coulda sworn I matched the yellow there.... Man it's hard to focus on these tiles.....

At some point, my brain dimly realized "oh boy, the Ambien is CRUSHING it tonight, and I probably should immediately get on a pillow before I fall asleep standing up or something." I slug off to bed, play a little more, and finally say "okay, thatsh it i'm going bed now thanksh."

I woke up this morning, and checked my phone to see what today's Deadpool quest reward was. I noticed that (a) I had dramatically fewer HP, and (b) I had a bunch of covers I never remembered having.

Yup: As near as I can tell, in my drug-addled stupor last night....

.... I somehow accidentally bought a Taco Token 10-pack.


It's not the end of the world (hey, I did get a usable CMags cover out of it)... but I was kinda saving up those points just in case I got the 3* Thor cover from this season's progression and somehow got to the Cyclops progression reward in EotS, so that I could add them both without selling anyone.

Le sigh.

The moral of the story, kids:
(1) Drugs are bad, mmkay?
(2) If you do drugs, you're bad, mmkay?
(3) Don't drink and MPQ.


  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Ambian results in incredibly zombie like behavior. Its one of those drugs you need to take, then go RIGHT to bed. Sorry about the zombie binge buy. =(
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    (3) Don't drink and MPQ.

    Ah man, drinking and MPQ are the only things I'm good at. icon_e_sad.gif
  • zonatahunt
    zonatahunt Posts: 250 Mover and Shaker
    I used to use Ambien as a sleep aid as well. Twice, I woke the next morning to find my bank account near empty...and I thought I'd had my card # stolen. Nope, both times I'd taken Ambien, not gone to bed directly, and instead spent hundreds on books and movies I'd wanted for years but had always said no to myself. When on that stuff you have no self-control...and no memory of what you do. Now that I have kids I don't touch the stuff.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2015
    Thanks for a good laugh, mate! icon_lol.gif

    I have a somewhat related tale. Once upon a time, I had a stash of about quarter-million Iso. I wasn't holding it for any particular reason, but rather was at that stage in the 2->3 transition where none of my 3*s had enough covers to be worth leveling up and all my useful 2*s were already maxed. So I go out on an errand, and I come back to find my son using my phone...and he's got MPQ open...

    Me: "Hey man, what'cha doing?"
    Son: "Playing Marvel heroes."
    Me: "Oh yeah? What, you looking at my guys?"
    Son: "Yeah, I like Venom. I got Venom."
    Tensions builds
    Me: "What do you mean, you got Venom?"
    Son: "I got Venom, and Beast, and Spider-Man."
    Me (panicking): "OH GOD GIMME THAT PHONE!"

    And so it came to pass that Venom went from level 1 to 40, Beast went from 40 to 90 or so, Spidey went up several, and many more heroes and villains saw their levels either maxed or brought to the soft cap. My Iso went from 250,000 down to about 10k. Ouch.

    That was also the day I put a passcode lock on my phone.
  • Deadpool369
    Deadpool369 Posts: 53 Match Maker
    Had something very similar happen like yours el..I was letting my son play some prologue nodes and so I go to take a shower and when I get out I check on him.. we'll at this point I noticed I'm missing about 5500 hp. So I asked him what he did and his reply was he spent it on the shiny tokens. At this point I check my roster page and see I now have a ton of Hawkeyes and moonstones...now he can't play unless I'm sitting over his shoulder
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards

    OK, I just have to post in this thread.

    In my line of work, I do not have at set schedule. Sometimes I work days, some evenings, some nights and some mornings. I go where the chief tells, when he tells me. If he says sit in my car for 20 hours and wait for bail jumper to come home, that's what I do. (of course this gives me a lot of free time for MPQ. 10 to 15 hours sitting and waiting to make a 20 minute arrest). With my schedule all over the place, my internal sleep clock was bust to bits over 10 years ago.

    So, every now and again, I have to appear in court to testify, or give evidence, what have you. When this happens, I take Ambien the night before to make sure I get plenty of rest, ( I had to learn the hard way a few years back; Judges do NOT like it when the arresting officer nods off in court icon_redface.gif ). And when I take it, the same thing happens to me. I can't remember anything from the last 30 minutes or so before I fall asleep. Which resulted in me spending about $200 one time. Half of which went to buy iso-8.

    And again, just recently, I found out that I had bought 3 ten packs. (my wife claims that I also promised to cook her a special breakfast the next morning icon_e_confused.gif , which I did just in case I really did say it). The ten packs only gave me 2 gold covers, both of which I didn't need so I sold them.

    So, yeah, agree with OP on this one. Drugs is bad. (plus you will have to cook breakfast icon_lol.gif )
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man, this thread is generating some very entertaining reading material. icon_e_smile.gif