Facebook Saved Gme Conflict

I cannot save my current game progress on Facebook.

I have an iPad3 with the most current iOS 8 update. When I try to back up to Facebook I get the following error message

"Conflict Found...you can only save one game to Facebook. Do you want to overwrite your current progress with you game saved on Facebook?"

The game on my iPad is the most current game, so I'm confused why it won't let me backup? I've sent numerous requests to D3 without any response for help on this issue. I've seqrched through the forums for any help, but I've gotten no feedback.

Would someone please help me figure this out?



  • Actually I have this bug too but with a bit more of a serious problem

    I have been playing for over a year and had a pretty nice roster

    I tried inviting a friend through Facebook and go the message ""Conflict Found...you can only save one game to Facebook. Do you want to overwrite your current progress with you game saved on Facebook?"

    I thought "Sure why not, overwrite that game."

    Well that was the wrong attitude! Because it seems that in fact what happens is that it actually erases your game and starts you over at the beginning.

    My apologies to my alliance and uh, I am not going to continue playing if the devs can't fix this. Playing a game that doesn't have an end state seems extra pointless when you have to start from scratch against your will.