Optional Post-Match Analysis Screen

d0nk3y Posts: 213
Since the snark level of the game in increasing with the addition of Deadpool, why not carry it forward? I already feel like the game is silently judging me when an Easy node ends up wrecking a set of 166s, so why not continue the logical progression and have the game mock you openly?

I'm thinking a post-match summary screen showing things like total number of player moves executed, total damage done, total damage received, longest cascade, time taken to complete match and so on, with some sort of judgmental pseudo-analysis of match performance, anything from "You completely owned those guys" to "Maybe you should go spend some more time in the Prologue...". Depending on whether there's a featured character or not, maybe even have that character deliver the analysis in their own style rather than having Deadpool deliver all of them?

And of course, make the post-match screen optional via the Options menu, to satisfy the power gamers and the speed-play freaks.