How Much Iso Have You Spent Leveling Your Characters Thread



  • Started playing mid December, not really sure.

    3 Star Iso 30,325
    2 Star Iso 184,299
    1 Star Iso 65,300
    Total 279,924

    Still long ways to go, especially since I'm not participating in facebook sharing (shouldn't have bound it to my real account).
    $538 when compared to the current motherlode, not as ridiculous as many of you folks, but still... ridiculous.

    Never bought ISO and if the pricing doesn't change by a lot, never will. Dropping $100 and not even being able to level a **Character to maximum is ... I don't know what they're thinking. I'd maaaaaaybe consider it, if you have to pay $10 per star.

    $10 for a *Character to maximum
    $20 for a **Character to maximum
    $30 for a ***Character to maximum
    $40 for a ****Character to maximum
  • We might want to make this one sticky, since the spreadsheet is a really useful resource for plotting spending strategy (I use it to try to figure out who to level up next).