Please stop changing the character tab...

Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
I've lost count of the times I've been absent mindedly clicking an ability waiting for the "Wolverine healing" message to go away (for example) only to activate Wolverine's talent when I meant to use someone else's.

Why? Because whenever a character uses a talent, even passive ones, it changes the ability screen over to them. So I've selected Wolvering, for example, in anticipation of using his ability next round perhaps. I make a purple match and classic Black Widow uses Espionage to steal a purple from an switches the ability menu to Black Widow. So if I'm not paying attention I could end up clicking Anti Gravity Device instead of Adamantium Claws, wasting the blues I have.

I don't even understand the benefit of changing the tab to the character that used the ability. Can it just...not do that? It makes sense for the enemy tabs to change as they use abilities so that if you're not sure you can see who did what power. But it's frustrating having to keep clicking back to the tab I want to use every round because Wolverine heals up.


  • +100

    Absolutely. The tabchanging is annoying at best, and causes activation of other ability in game at worst -- happened to me too. Especially in the final rash when every second counts -- and activating Volverine's red instead of Ares's red may be just fatal.

    The program should not change from the tab I set to a different one for any reason. if this is done by design rather than on overlook please add an option setting to turn it off.
  • Should clarify that this is for the PC version. I'm guessing that must be what you're referring to. I had to read your post about three times, very puzzled, before I realized what you meant. It doesn't work that way in the mobile version.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ah, I wasn't aware of that. I've only ever played the PC version. No smart phone or tablet =)
  • Yes. This a million times. My current team is Wolvie, Bullseye, and oBW and my tabs are constantly switching.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    On android, the only bother is you have to wait a few seconds for the passive effect message to be shown, and only after that you can interact. Not as a big problem, but it would be nice if it could be toggled off...
  • I don't see how you can confuse blue with red, its quicker using skills if your patient, not bash your screen and then complain because you weren't paying attention.
    Although the wolverine/daken healing message is slightly anoying.
  • bongo king wrote:
    I don't see how you can confuse blue with red, its quicker using skills if your patient, not bash your screen and then complain because you weren't paying attention.
    Although the wolverine/daken healing message is slightly anoying.

    Except speed .... You know..... Matters?
    Many difference between phone and pc (speed of animations, this issue, etc,) should be removed as it obviously creates a HUGE unfair advantage.
  • Hi this is my first visit here and i just thought i'd start with this because it confused me!

    I agree with Bongo King, i don't see how you can accidentally select the wrong power unless you aren't watching what you are clicking. Maybe I'm still too new at this, only played 50 hours or so on the Steam version but I have not found this to be a speed related game at all, there is no time limit to take your move and no bonus for matching tiles quickly.
  • yes, please!
  • Speed matters when you got the pack on you ready to take away your precious points, and yes I've clicked on the wrong skill before thinking I was going to say a rampage in R&R and instead did Adamantium Claw which is strictly worse. It's not a game breaking issue but I don't get why it keeps on move the tab back to Wolverine every single time he heals.
  • They just need to stop changing basically everything they usually change. They've changed layouts and made things look prettier and like a billion other things that r a total waste if time and money. The only things they should have any focus on basically forever or until they get their sh*t straight is, in order

    Cover balance
    A couple dozen new covers

    Any cosmetic work and all this other stupid **** I keep seeing l, IE Thor had his power symbol changed where you click to select which power you wanna use. Who gives even 1/2 a **** what the little hammer symbol looks like when that effort coulda been put towards respec. In other words, get ur priorities straight and stop fkn around.
  • The PACman wrote:
    Hi this is my first visit here and i just thought i'd start with this because it confused me!

    I agree with Bongo King, i don't see how you can accidentally select the wrong power unless you aren't watching what you are clicking.

    Very easy -- you selected the tab and are about to click to activate as your turn comes, but just as you do the tab gets changed under you. With some luck the new one can't be shot.
  • OK, I guess we are talking about when you reach the higher levels of events and lightning rounds. That's why the speed thing doesnt bother me, I'm not at that stage yet. I am still able to take my time, think about my moves and look at what I'm clicking icon_e_biggrin.gif lol I didnt realise there would come a time when speed was important but it makes sense now.

    I do agree it is a pointless thing to happen and I have just realised that I don't yet have any characters with Passive abilities so I haven't really noticed it myself.