Suggested Non-gameplay Changes

Hopefully, this will receive actual consideration. There are two features I'd really like to see and ai doubt it would amount to a major undertaking. First, I'd really like if we could change the perspective (vertical to horizontal and vice versa) or at the very least, be able to flip the device 180 degrees. On my iPad, the device has to sit on the charging cable when I play. After a short time, the charging cables fray and stop working. If we could take advantage of switching our view to landscape from portrait, it would be hugely helpful. The other option is to keep it vertical only, but be able to rotate the device 180, so the iPad doesn't have to rest on the cord. The second suggestion is to make the keyboard in game able to utilize the keyboard we use for typing emails, texts, etc and allow suggestions. It's frustrating to have to change the way you type, punctuate, and capitalize. It's become such a standard when using mobile devices that when it isn't available, it severely hinders speed and accuracy. Both of these are fairly minor, but having ruined three charging cables, I'd really appreciate a fix. Thanks.


  • I agree with the "landscape mode" for MPQ.
    While you're at it perhaps you could also include own-Ap and enemy-Ap indicators on the main screen so that we don't have to swipe left or right to view them during matches.