
edited February 2015 in MPQ Tips and Guides
I am bored and need to remember what some goons do, so I figured what the heck just post it here so I can find it later.
The sets of numbers under an ability are Level then amount, usually amount of damage.
So (114, 767) means at Level 114, the amount of damage is 767.

Gorgon redtile.pngpurpletile.pngblacktile.png
redtile.png Debilitating Slash -> Deals X and destroys 5 AP from a random color (I assume we lose the AP, and not his team)
(115, 2405)
purpletile.png Gorgon's Gaze -> 3-turn countdown that stuns for 5 turns
blacktile.png Awaken the Hand -> 3 3-turn red countdowns that deal x times # allies, but if matched makes a strength y attack tile
(115, 482, 235)

Shinobi redtile.pngblacktile.png
redtile.png Strength in Numbers -> Damage x times # of allies
(115, 774)
blacktile.png Shuriken -> Places 3 Shuriken tiles that do x damage
(115, 550)

Teiatsu redtile.pngblacktile.png
redtile.png Strength In Numbers -> Damage = x times # of allies
(114, 767)
blacktile.png Turn To Smoke -> Passive: when downed converts 3 basic tiles to attack tiles of strength x
(114, 133)

Thug yellowtile.png
yellowtile.png Pistol -> 4 yellowtile.png 3 turn count down -> Deals x damage
(122, 1575)
