Match the skill list to the comic book character (game)

PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
It's fun to think of abilities for new characters, and I thought I'd try a variation on the (excellent) "post movesets for characters" thread. For this idea, posters can post a list of moves that they'd to see in the game, and contributors will hopefully chime in on which superhero or villain would be the best match for that moveset. Is this going to work? I don't know, but there's no harm in trying. If it doesn't generate much response, as a backup, it might be fun to also post "I love xxxxx! Someone design his skill set for me!" I'm hoping the focus will be less on balancing movesets, and more on assigning movesets to characters.

I'll start with a random collection of abilities that sound fun to me - let's see if someone with more comic book knowledge than I can match the powers to a suitable superhero or villain. If you think it's a good match, a few lines describing why (for anybody's suggestions) would be fun and greatly appreciated.

Name: ?????

purpleflag.png 7 AP Sabotage
Places a 3 turn countdown tile on a chosen basic tile. Whenever the enemy team makes a match of that color, they receive 0 AP from the match and the targeted enemy is dealt 216 damage.
Level 2: 4 turn countdown tile, 288 damage.
Level 3: 5 turn countdown tile, 344 damage
Level 4: 6 turn countdown tile, 390 damage, 166 damage to the rest of the enemy team
Level 5: 7 turn countdown tile, 500 damage, 300 damage to the rest of the enemy team
Max Level: 7 turn countdown tile, 2,188 damage, 1244 damage to the rest of the enemy team

blackflag.png[Passive] Grievous Ruin
The enemy team is filled with despair as rot and devastation corrupt the battlefield. If the battlefield has 12 or more black tiles at the end of your turn, Grievous Ruin deals 86 damage to the enemy team member with the least current health.
Level 2: 122 damage.
Level 3: 11 or more black tiles. 144 damage.
Level 4: 166 damage.
Level 5: 10 or more black tiles. 199 damage.
Max Level: 10 or more black tiles, 688 damage.

redflag.png 9 AP I Warned You
Places a 4 turn countdown tile on a chosen basic red tile. While the countdown is in play the enemy team receives 1 AP in two randomly selected colors at the end of your turn. If the enemy team uses any active ability while the countdown is in play the countdown shatters, dealing 588 damage to the enemy team. When the countdown resolves (or is matched away), you receive 1 AP in three randomly selected colors.
Level 2: 690 damage.
Level 3: 700 damage. 1 AP in four randomly selected colors if resolved or matched away
Level 4: 868 damage.
Level 5: 900 damage. Stuns the enemy team for 1 turn. 1 AP in each color if resolved or matched away
Max Level: 3,864 damage. Stuns the enemy team for 1 turn.


  • emaker27
    emaker27 Posts: 285 Mover and Shaker
    Clearly this is a move set for Apocalypse! Sabotage because he's one of the smarter villains, Grevious Ruin as he sends his Four Horseman forth to spread destruction and ruin, and I Warned You due to the hubris of thinking he is invincible.

    .... But he would have to be star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png
  • Just to give an alternative i could see this as Blackout the Ghost Rider villain, giving that he can absord light and i believe he has some sort of decay touch as well