Facebook Reward Sharing - Selection Box

d0nk3y Posts: 213
Is anyone else missing the Facebook reward sharing dialog box on Android? I've encountered a +10 for friends and a +3 for friends, yet the original dialog box that allows me to uncheck the targets isn't coming up anymore. I click on the button like normal to claim the reward and it just kicks me on to the next screen.

Normally this isn't an issue, but on the +10s I have to uncheck the family and friend connections that have nothing to do with MPQ - I don't want to spam them with garbage they're not interested in.


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    That only comes up when you first send someone a Facebook request, unless you've unchecked the "do not show again" button.
  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    No, I think you're thinking about the actual Facebook permissions page. I'm talking about the "+3 for Friends" reward drop dialog in-game and the subsequent checkboxes to select or unselect reward targets.

    Anyways, this may be a moot point - it looks like normal behavior has returned today. I got the +3 for friends followed by the 3 checkboxes, so...
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    You were unclear about what you weren't getting, since you'd already said you'd gotten the +3 option. You don't always get that, it's random.
  • I am still having this very same issue on Ipad mini. I don't have any FB friends who play this game, so I'm worried I'm spamming family and friends. Previously, you could just opt out of a FB friend iso drop. Is there a fix for this?
  • How about the ability to change who the 3 friends you select are?
    The same people show up every time, even though I have other FB friends who play and two of the three there now don't.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Tanaxanth wrote:
    How about the ability to change who the 3 friends you select are?
    The same people show up every time, even though I have other FB friends who play and two of the three there now don't.

    Just uncheck the ones showing up a few times, it will rotate to someone else.