Wrecking Crüe ReCrüement thread Top50 pvp(19/20)

edited November 2015 in MPQ Alliances
Wrecking Crüe is currently recruiting.

We are historically a top 100 alliance with very little turnover.....over half of our guys have been with us since season 3!

We were ranked 77th in s1, 76th in s2, 75th in s3, 40th for s4, 38th for s5, 30th for s6, 17th for s7, 20th for s8, 29th for s9 for s10,25th! And for s11 36th

We've also never missed an alliance cover for a PVE event but we are no longer going to compete for 4* pve covers until d3 changes its rewards system....:it's a detriment to the player base and causes unneeded team drama

What we are looking for:

- Large Roster: the ability to compete in every event.
- Communication: chat and stuff, notice of impending absence.
- Consistency: ability to contribute to every PVP and the PVE where 3* are offered

You should be able to score minimum of 700 per PVP.

We're not super hardcore or anything close. We just enjoy playing and have fun! With that same formula we have been very successful!

Please post here or send Alk3bob or LuckyDog a PM with your details, including your username, roster and points accrued in the current events. We are also on the line app so pm alk3bob or luckydog on there as well
If you are currently already in an alliance and looking for a change, also include the name of your current alliance.
If you do not include this information your application will not be considered.

Good luck!


  • Anyone?!? We have a spot open! 3-4 star transitioned plz
  • We need one for pvp right now!
  • We have a spot right now!
  • We have a spot for you!
  • We are searching for 2.... 6000-7000 for season 12
  • currently sitting at 550 for event 18 h left in split, 6500 season points
  • ih8uf
    ih8uf Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Wrecking Crüe is currently recruiting

    We are historically a top 100 alliance with very little turnover.....over half of our guys have been with us since season 3!

    We were ranked 77th in S1, 76th in S2, 75th in S3, 40th for S4, 38th for S5, 30th for S6, 17th for S7, 20th for S8, 29th for S9, 25th for S10, 36th for S11 and 65th for S12

    We've also never missed an alliance cover for a PVE event but we are no longer going to compete for 4* pve covers until D3P changes its rewards system....it's a detriment to the player base and causes unneeded team drama

    What we are looking for:

    - Large Roster: the ability to compete in every event.
    - Communication: chat and stuff, notice of impending absence.
    - Consistency: ability to contribute to every PVP and the PVE where 3* are offered

    You should be able to score minimum of 600-700 per PVP.

    We're not super hardcore or anything close. We just enjoy playing and have fun! With that same formula we have been very successful!

    Please post here or send ih8uf or LuckyDog a PM with your details, including your username, roster and points accrued in the current events. We are also on the Line app so pm ih8uf or luckydog on there as well
    If you are currently already in an alliance and looking for a change, also include the name of your current alliance.
    If you do not include this information your application will not be considered.

    Good luck!
  • HI !
    If you still have free places I'm intrested to join

    My e mail junglemadhouse@gmail.com
  • Hello,

    I an pretty active on MPQ : 21 cares in my roster.

    I applied to your alliance today.

    I hope you will let me in.
  • animerat
    animerat Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Wrecking Crüe is currently recruiting for two spots.

    We are a top 100 alliance with very little turnover.....over half of our guys have been with us since season 7!

    What we are looking for:

    - Large Roster: the ability to compete in every event.
    - Communication: chat and stuff, notice of impending absence.
    - Consistency: ability to contribute to every PVP
    - Transitioning from 3* to 4*.

    You should be able to score minimum of 800+ per PVP. PVE is optional even for new characters, if you play PVE and want that extra cover we can help merc you out for that extra cover, iso, and hp.

    We're not super hardcore or anything close. We just enjoy playing and have fun! With that same formula we have been very successful!

    If you are interested please have the LINE app and PM me on the line app. My Line ID is: animerat
    If you are currently already in an alliance and looking for a change, also include the name of your current alliance.

    Good luck!
  • animerat
    animerat Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Wrecking Crüe is currently recruiting for one spot.

    We are a top 100 alliance since Season 1.

    What we are looking for:

    - Large Roster: the ability to compete in every event.
    - Communication: chat and stuff, notice of impending absence.
    - Consistency: ability to contribute to every PVP
    - Transitioning from 3* to 4*.

    You should be able to score minimum of 850+ per PVP and 1.5K in Sim. PVE is optional even for new characters, if you play PVE and want that extra cover we can help merc you out for that extra cover, iso, and hp.

    We're not super hardcore or anything close. We just enjoy playing and have fun! With that same formula we have been very successful!

    If you are interested please have the LINE app and PM me on the line app. My Line ID is: animerat
    If you are currently already in an alliance and looking for a change, also include the name of your current alliance.

    Good luck!
  • ih8uf
    ih8uf Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    wrecking crüe is currently recruiting

    We are historically a top 100 alliance with very little turnover.....over half of our guys have been with us since Season 3!
    That has changed recently with the top 100 alliances starting to average 1.3k scores on PVPs. We made top 100 for Season XX (68th), and will continue to strive for that placing, but if we miss it, it won't be the end of the world as I prefer a more laid back atmosphere to play in...

    (below is a sample of our placing early on):
    We were ranked 77th in S1, 76th in S2, 75th in S3, 40th for S4, 38th for S5, 30th for S6, 17th for S7, 20th for S8, 29th for S9, 25th for S10, 36th for S11 and 65th for S12

    We no longer focus on PVE events, but have the ability to merc out players with high scores to groups that will score high up in the standings...

    What we are looking for:

    - Large Roster: the ability to compete in every event
    - Communication: chat and stuff, notice of impending absence * We use the Line app for communicating
    - Consistency: ability to contribute minimum scores to every PVP...some exceptions are allowed...

    You should be able to score 800-850 per PVP, but minimum is 650

    We're not super hardcore or anything close. We just enjoy playing and have fun! With that same formula we have been very successful!

    Please send ih8uf PM with your details, including your username, roster and points accrued in the current event(s). We are also on the Line app so pm ih8uf on there as well (Preferred method of communication)
    If you are currently already in an alliance and looking for a change, also include the name of your current alliance.
    If you do not include this information your application will not be considered.

    Good luck!