Another argument to expand alliance rewards



  • ironsmudgie
    ironsmudgie Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    Why not bracket alliances like they do individual players?
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why not bracket alliances like they do individual players?

    That would get a lot more complicated. I think its a lot easier to game the system since you can jump out of an alliance.

    If you're placed in a bracket the second you first member joins you can see who you're queued up against. If you're against all 5 X-Men (since they join events together) that's going to be a bad bracket. Since alliances only cost ISO, you can have dummy alliances that join at other times until you find one where you aren't getting crushed.

    I like how there isn't alliance bracketing and you can check the leader boards to get a sense of how high the absolute best are doing. Feels good having a PvE score that's comparable or higher than the best of the top 10 alliances.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Ironically expanding it to top 150 would probably increase the competition down that far. During the 4hor PvE competition was ridiculous because the hardcore PvPers were actually PvEing like beasts (most of if not all the X-Men alliances ended up top 50). A lot of hardcore PvPers ignore PvE because unless they grind the whole duration they aren't getting a reward anyway. If top 150 got rewards they may be inclined to PvE once a day to try to get enough points for their alliance to place. The current difference between top 150 to top 100 is massive but a lot of that is people giving up PvE wise because they've fallen behind and only the top 10% get personal 3* rewards (hence why expanding to 25% would help).

    It would help, but there's definitely a threshold of 'competitive' alliances, and it's not much higher than 250, IMO.

    4Thor's an exception more than the rule, unless there's another 4* like her on the way (hasn't appeared yet). As far as 25% personal, I'd gladly take that, but that's again speaking as a lazy bones who finished 205th out of 251, with a whopping 7600 points (late joined for the free iso). That's more of an exception, you need to find good brackets for that, but even my cruddy day 13 second account pulled top 250 in Thieves, with minimal effort. (though again, newb bracket exemption.)

    Repeating myself, but I'm definitely in favor of expanding alliance rewards. I'm just pointing out that competitive play is a smaller portion of the base than we sometimes believe. Tiny enough that everyone recognizes a tough bracket almost immediately, because you know most of the names by heart.

    4hor had hardcore PvP'ers going very strong on PvE just because she's so good. You may see them come out (at a much lower participation level) for new character releases if a lot more go out. Remember that currently only 15% of participants get the 3* (roughly 1 in 7), boosting it to 25% makes it 1 in 4.

    For individual placement they could use %'s to prevent gaming the system. You'd need to be 63+ in a 250 person bracket to get a 3* cover (top 25%).
  • Agree wholeheartedly with the general sentiment in this thread. Top 50 rewards are unnecessarily stingy and divisive.

    Normally in PvE i'll have one of the higher scores globally but don't merc because I have moral integrity (I am too lazy to do it and Arogntbastrd would miss my wit and charm in our chat), because the hero will be unusable for ages and i'll get the covers in PvP soon enough anyway BUT... having said all that.... I can VERY easily see why people merc around for these 4* releases. A lot of ppl can't get 4* covers half as easily as me and after putting a LOT of effort into a PvE are desperate to get as much as possible out of that effort.

    Upshot is potentially bad feelings in alliances and other alliances who stick together and worked hard losing out because of the shuffle.

    On this occasion AB arranged with the Wrecking Crew guys (incidentally my first alliance icon_e_smile.gif ) to swap their top 10 into our alliance for our bottom 10 and everyone reassembles post event (our guys are all back home and I assume theirs are too) so people got their covers.

    How do I feel about it? Mixed feelings really.... I got a cover I wasn't overly fussed about but still nice, more positively 9 other guys in our alliance got a cover that may be a touch tougher for them to get and same for the wrecking crew guys, several of whom are PvE focussed so no easy 4* covers for them in PvP. On other hand 20 people who would have got covers didn't because we gamed the system, so I feel bad for them in that instance.

    I would personally like them to scrap the T50 for 4*s and stick with T100 PLUS I still think alliance scores should accrue throughout an event. So points are only earned by an alliance by players in the alliance AS they are earning those points. So if you have 100k and leave your alliance they keep those 100k points. If someone with 100k points joins an alliance then the alliance gets none of those points, and will only get the points they gain from that point onwards. No more mercing....
  • racanrpa
    racanrpa Posts: 32
    edited February 2015
    4 star.png are supposed to be rare, and in PVE you devs said they should be earned by those who play/grind harder. Ok, that s not that wired... BUT! Alliances are supposed to be a group effort, where the top scorers "help" the lowest ones in a given event. This reward structure almost force to top scorers in a given alliance to swap to another one to get Top 50 if there s 2-3 guys who couldn t grind as hell as it is necesary.
    So, in order to stop with this last minutes swappings, why can only the alliance reward can be expanded? Top 100 at least. You leave individual rewards as it is, so the PLAYERS who play harder can win the 4 star.png , and not "punish" the alliance who has a couple of guys who couldn t grind much.
    (Oh, and I m not saying this because i am a grinder. I never won a 4 star.png on individual PVE, the closest i was, was this last one being 65th, because i couldn t grin much only 2 OF THE SEVEN DAYS!!!)
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    racanrpa wrote:
    4 star.png are supposed to be rare, and in PVE you devs said they should be earned by those who play/grind harder. Ok, that s not that wired... BUT! Alliances are supposed to be a group effort, where the top scorers "help" the lowest ones in a given event. This reward structure almost force to top scorers in a given alliance to swap to another one to get Top 50 if there s 2-3 guys who couldn t grind as hell as it is necesary.
    So, in order to stop with this last minutes swappings, why can only the alliance reward can be expanded? Top 100 at least. You leave individual rewards as it is, so the PLAYERS who play harder can win the 4 star.png , and not "punish" the alliance who has a couple of guys who couldn t grind much.
    (Oh, and I m not saying this because i am a grinder. I never won a 4 star.png on individual PVP, the closest i was, was this last one being 65th, because i couldn t grin much only 2 OF THE SEVEN DAYS!!!)

    Outside of their initial release 4*s are very rare. I don't see a problem with the initial covers being "easy" to get if you were around and participated in their launch PvE. (Besides Devil Dino?) there hasn't been a PvP that has rewarded multiple 4* covers. Giving 25% of the player base at least one 4* cover isn't going to result in 25% having a 270 13/13 4* within a few weeks. More than likely it will still take a year+ for the average player.
  • I've always found PVE to be the most **** activity in this game, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

    But my strategy, from the very beginning, was to wait until the last few hours of the PVE and jump into a fresh bracket.

    That would cut down on the grinding nonsense and make it feel more like a PVP event where I devote 2 or 3 hours to get the prize, and then it's over.

    Alliances are a great addition to the PVP mode of this game.

    But they are really unnecessary in PVE. Especially in this current incarnation of PVE.

    In PVP, you can get half of the progression rewards and still contribute to your alliance effectively.

    In PVE, you can get triple the top progression reward and still barely contribute to an alliance.

    It's just silly.

    If the top progression reward is 60,000, why should I need to get 180,000 in order to get the "alliance reward?"

    And besides, it's only one cover. That is just not worth how much effort is put into it haha.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    bonfire01 wrote:
    On this occasion AB arranged with the Wrecking Crew guys (incidentally my first alliance icon_e_smile.gif ) to swap their top 10 into our alliance for our bottom 10 and everyone reassembles post event (our guys are all back home and I assume theirs are too) so people got their covers.

    How do I feel about it? Mixed feelings really.... I got a cover I wasn't overly fussed about but still nice, more positively 9 other guys in our alliance got a cover that may be a touch tougher for them to get and same for the wrecking crew guys, several of whom are PvE focussed so no easy 4* covers for them in PvP. On other hand 20 people who would have got covers didn't because we gamed the system, so I feel bad for them in that instance.

    I would personally like them to scrap the T50 for 4*s and stick with T100 PLUS I still think alliance scores should accrue throughout an event. So points are only earned by an alliance by players in the alliance AS they are earning those points. So if you have 100k and leave your alliance they keep those 100k points. If someone with 100k points joins an alliance then the alliance gets none of those points, and will only get the points they gain from that point onwards. No more mercing....

    Totally agree with onimus above. These events are very long, very grindy, and require tons of clears of nodes that are already done with rewards after you have hit max progression - that's no fun. Good idea here from bonfire. (Aside: we have all 20 original back, thanks again Ace of Blades - I know both alliances ended up with more than 10 individuals with covers, so I'm glad there weren't rage-quit feelings on either side, but it's still not easy on feelings or rosters as it makes it tougher for the follow-up PVE.)

    Also agree with the many, MANY people who have said it is very stingy to keep so few out of covers. Then you put it as essential and very few people have it - even fewer have any number of covers: all characters are terrible when uncovered, so you get yet another slap of reality, feeling like the effort wasn't worth it.

    Once again: D3, leave alliances alone - T100 please!. Tight-knit folks encourage each other to keep on with your game! It isn't in your financial interest to break these folks up and take away that encouragement base!
  • The system is broken