Featured Characters and the 4* meta

ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
There's been some talk in the Characters forum lately about how featured character PVP is broken at the highest tiers of play. Matches become Thor (Goddess)/Wolverine (X-Force) 2 on 2 matches and the featured character adds little or nothing; Even powered-up rare characters with many covers don't help much. This led at least one person to call for a nerf, which I don't agree with (Well, maybe Thor's blue could be toned down.)

Instead, I had a simple suggestion that could improve the balance of featured character PVP and incentivize players to collect and ISO-fund 4* characters.

Instead of the featured character bonus being 1/2 their level, instead, have the bonus be 1/2 the level of the highest participating ally.

On a typical 3* transition team with a 166 ally, a single-covered featured character would be powered up to 123... Much more useful in the battle than the current 60. On a team with a maxed, 270 ally, that same 3* singleton would be powered up to 175; not too shabby. And of course, the player is rewarded for leveling up the featured hero to max--as then the maximums would be 249 (as it is currently) and 301, making them much more viable in maxed-out, 4* match-ups.

To make it simpler to implement and reward 4* devoted players even more, the red ISO level boost could simply be 1/2 the highest level character in the roster. I know that would encourage me to dump the next 200K ISO i get into Devil Dinosaur... It could make other players consider buying ISO-8 caches as well.

Thanks for considering this suggestion.

(P.S. Please give IW a much-needed boost ASAP to develop the 4* meta even more!)

(P.P.S: Edit--Sorry about the duplicate thread. Can't the other one simply be deleted?)


  • maybe make an either flat boost or 1/2 of highest lvl team member, taking the highest of the 2 choices so new players don't miss out
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    If it were up to me I'd completely remove the flat bonuses in PvE and swap them all to 50% and 25% buffs. Its ridiculous that people with unleveled characters get a much larger power / regen boost than people who actually leveled there characters.

    Playing against a real vs. a loaner character makes a fairly large difference in PvP. It probably won't make the difference between winning or losing but that extra amount of life and the extra ability damage is definitely large enough that if two targets were roughly the same points, I'd attack the guy with a sub-120 main character over someone with a 249. %'s actually reward people who put the effort into gaining ISO for their characters, flat numbers based on your other characters just means that people with 3 maxed chars and a bunch of covers are nearly as strong as people who have played the game for longer (if we draw a direct correlation between total ISO earned and play time).

    I believe Balance of Power should swap over to %'s too. You should need a level 40 Jugg to turn him into a 270 power house, a level 1 with a 5m dead to full regen timer is ****.