Featured Characters and the 4* meta

ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
There's been some talk in the Characters forum lately about how featured character PVP is broken at the highest tiers of play. Matches become Thor (Goddess)/Wolverine (X-Force) 2 on 2 matches and the featured character adds little or nothing; Even powered-up rare characters with many covers don't help much. This led at least one person to call for a nerf, which I don't agree with (Well, maybe Thor's blue could be toned down.)

Instead, I had a simple suggestion that could improve the balance of featured character PVP and incentivize players to collect and ISO-fund 4* characters.

Instead of the featured character bonus being 1/2 their level, instead, have the bonus be 1/2 the level of the highest participating ally.

On a typical 3* transition team with a 166 ally, a single-covered featured character would be powered up to 123... Much more useful in the battle than the current 60. On a team with a maxed, 270 ally, that same 3* singleton would be powered up to 175; not too shabby. And of course, the player is rewarded for leveling up the featured hero to max--as then the maximums would be 249 (as it is currently) and 301, making them much closer to viable in maxed-out, 4* match-ups.

Thanks for considering this suggestion.

(P.S. Please give IW a much-needed boost ASAP to develop the 4* meta even more!)
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