Please remove this ****!!!

I didn't see anyone post anything in regards to the new tweak made with the R70 patch, so here is mine to start it. So far, with the banner shooting across the screen to 'show' us the goons and soldiers AP accumulation. Why did you guys add that? I really don't get it. To start, we already knew that they were automatically garnering AP each turn. Secondly, that banner shooting across the screen is just god-awful ANNOYING as all hell. Personally, I really don't care to see what AP is being added to their status as a simple swipe across the screen allows me to view what they have. I mean, if anyone is too lazy to swipe their screen and complain about 'Oh no, I don't know how much AP the goons have', then something is wrong with them. Again, why you ladiez and germz at D3 added this is beyond my comprehension. It's very annoying, irrelevant, and a complete waste of server data that could be used to incorporate elsewhere in the game. Please remove this crazy banner shooting across the screen. It does NOT improve the game in any way. Thank you.



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