We Are Gr00T/Grootlings PvE Family Recruiting



  • Bump; Always taking applicants icon_e_smile.gif
  • You guys can't go wrong with Grootlings. It is a wonderful group that I was lucky enough to join a month back. Haven't missed on a cover yet!
  • Myles Lux I PM'd you.
  • Sent a PM, Myles.
  • The We Are Gr00t/Grootlings Family is recruiting for the next PvE! icon_e_smile.gif
  • Bump, Always taking applicants icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hello
    I am interested in join if you still have any spit's available. I pretty much only play the pve. I am always number 1 in the alliance I am in atm. I am a loyal Dailey player. Been with the same alliance for months. Looking to join an alliance where my hard work can get me better rewards and actually play with people who love this game as I do. I always surpass the pve high score. My name is dirty Curty and the alliance I am in is EBDB. hope to hear from you
  • Alkyoneus
    Alkyoneus Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    Not sure if I'd qualify for either of your guilds but I thought I'd apply. none.png
    Ingame name: Alkyoneus
    Current guild: Spooky Toast

    Finished top 50 last PvE event and overall score just over 4,000 last season.
    Typically score 300-400 in PVP events. Fully covered 6 94s and offer 20 3-4* in progress but limited by weak guild. Looking for a good home! Thanks!
  • I am very interested in joining! I was first in We are groot event when i was with asgaurdsarmy. They are focusing on PVP right now and while i do like it.. its not my main focus. Daily player of course icon_e_wink.gif
    I am currectly third in brotherhood event overall. I am sure that will change but i going for top 2 before it all ends
  • Hello, new to game and been grinding it out leveling my my guys and what.
    Done a little pvp and mainly pve to get better levels and stats.

    Any questions feel free to message me in a private message =D
  • Bump! Always taking applicants icon_e_smile.gif
  • I'd like to join can you please add me by in game name is breeze420 i play regularly
  • Hey hey there.

    I'm a very active player and in the cyclops event in ranked 20 atm.

    I am currently rank 1 in my alliance (lost legion) and am looking for a more active guild to better lend my talents to.
    I have a roster of 39 mostly 3*s about 4 of them are maxed out.

    Would be very interested in working with your groups towards better rewards if you will have me ^^
  • Hey. I'm looking to get into a competitive alliance, my alliance is nice but on most events I score 1/5th of the alliances total points as they are a casual alliance, it doesn't say much to most active players.

    What are the general qualifications your looking for in your alliance as per points in events?
  • Unknown
    edited February 2015
    Hello. I'm a transitioning 2* to 3* player looking for an alliance after my previous one seems to have fallen apart. I always finish top 50 although I often play enough for a top 20 of higher cover(s). I ranked 10th in ISO 8 Britherhood with 109K+. I have 6 maxed 2*s and 49 slots with all new and major 3* & 4* covers in various states of build.
  • Hulk11
    Hulk11 Posts: 435
    I'd like to join.
  • I am currently in "pending" status in your alliance. I have earned 76k points thus far in the ISO-8 Brotherhood PVE event, with a top 20 spot in my bracket.

    I'm an adult gamer and play everyday unless work or kids require my attention. Please accept me for this event. Thank you icon_e_smile.gif
  • I have not heard back =(
    For most of this current iso event, I have been ranked within the top 5 (back n forth around 2-3 mainly).
    the mini events (the cities) in one i am usually top 2 and the other top

    Pic of me in placement: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc ... 77054A594/
  • Might be possible they are still reviewing potential candidates is all ^^ we must be patient
  • kcrash wrote:
    I have not heard back =(
    For most of this current iso event, I have been ranked within the top 5 (back n forth around 2-3 mainly).
    the mini events (the cities) in one i am usually top 2 and the other top

    Pic of me in placement: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc ... 77054A594/

    As a piece of advice, stating where you are located in your bracket does not help... They only need your score. Take your SS for example, it shows you are 2nd with just over 40k. The 2nd just means you got in a VERY easy draw as your score would not have you in top 300 in the draw I am in.

    These guys are looking at score only
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