Design a Character - Deep Cuts edition!

Thought it might be fun to make come up with some character ideas that really plumb the depths of Marvel's publishing history. I envision this as mostly a joke thread, but maybe some great ideas will come out of left field along with the laughs. The rule is that the character(s) must have appeared in comics published by Marvel, even if they are non-canon to the main Marvel universes (including crossover promotional comics, etc.). Have fun everyone! Here's some contributions to get the ball rolling.

Beavis (Beavis & Butthead)
Low health

F-f-f-FIRE! FIRE!! (Red) - 5 AP
Uh-oh, Beavis got his hands on a lighter.

L1 - Create 1 red attack tile
L2 - Attack tile deals 25% more damage per turn
L3 - Create 2 red attack tiles
L4 - Attack tile deals 25% more damage per turn
L5 - Create 3 red attack tiles

I! AM! CORNHOLIO!! (Black) - 12 AP
Beavis consumes caffeine and transforms into the Great Cornholio. Are you threatening him? (portrait art would change while Cornholio is in effect)

L1 - Creates a 3 turn black countdown tile. As long as it remains on the board, Beavis deals an extra 25% damage when he matches tiles or his Fire attack tiles deal damage.
L2 - He also takes 25% less damage from attacks
L3 - Countdown tile is now 4 turns
L4 - 50% extra attack damage, 50% less damage received
L5 - Countdown tile is now 5 turns

Nuisance (Blue) - PASSIVE
Beavis is so annoying, he draws enemy fire away from his teammates.

L1 - As long as there are at least 12 blue tiles on the board, opponents cannot target anyone except Beavis.
L2 - 11 blue tiles
L3 - 10 blue tiles
L4 - 9 blue tiles
L5 - 8 blue tiles

Lion-O (Thundercats)
Average health

Sword of Omens (Red) - 12 AP
Lion-O slashes the opponent with the Sword of Omens, dealing nnn damage and destroying a line of tiles, but not generating AP.

L1 - Destroys a line of tiles 3 tiles wide or tall (selection interface would allow choosing)
L2 - Deals 25% more base damage
L3 - Destroys a line of tiles 5 tiles wide or tall
L4 - Deals 25% more base damage
L5 - Destroys an entire column or row

Claw Shield (Yellow) - 10 AP
Lion-O dons his claw shield, protecting himself and using its grapple claws to break 3 tiles in an upside-down V formation, generating AP.

L1 - Creates a Yellow protect tile with nn strength
L2 - Also deals an extra nn damage
L3 - Creates 2 protect tiles
L4 - Protect tile strength up 25%
L5 - Creates 3 protect tiles

Eye of Thundera (Purple) - 18 AP
Lion-O uses Sight Beyond Sight to see the outcome of a given move.

L1 - Activating this power prompts the player to make a standard move, allowing them to see how it would happen (total damage, cascades, etc.), then returns everything to the way it was just before Eye of Thundera was used.
L2 - Costs 17 AP
L3 - Costs 16 AP
L4 - Costs 15 AP
L5 - Costs 14 AP


  • Well, it's impossible for me to ignore the fact that Transformers was published by Marvel back in the 80's. I started working on an Optimus Prime character and while researching how I wanted his abilities to shape up, I learned that in 2007 there was a New Avengers / Transformers crossover. I'm so bummed I didn't know this had happened. I'll go back to writing this up later. I need to go check my Marvel subscription for those issues.
  • Sounds like exactly what I had in mind for the thread though! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.