Dual PVP Event: 1 for Vets; 1 for Transitioners

I think we can agree that the No Holds Barred events that players paid HP as an entry fee have not been very successful or motivating the last couple of renditions. The reason is that a lottery token and a small chance at HP is not that much of a carrot.

I suggest having a PVP with triple (or more ISO) similar to the double iso event currently being run for squirrel girl. However, there would be no covers as rewards. Either tokens, HP, ISO, or some combination of those. The entry fee will still be for some amount of HP. I would recommend this event on a monthly basis. The event needs to be rare enough that it is special and people realize this will be their only chance to capitalize on the ISO opportunity for a long while.

I'm pretty sure you would see a much larger turnout than recent renditions of No Holds Barred.

I would also suggest a semultaneous No Holds Barred event for Tokens for guaranteed 3*'s. The catch is that players could only enter one or the other. Veteran players should flock to the ISO event, leaving the token event open to less developed rosters going against lesser competition.