High iso options to buy random 2 stars

As is people generally spend hero points exclusively on slots given the lotto ticket system of getting characters from any of the 2 star areas of the shop. Also most of the 2 star areas are redundant and a little misleading. I nearly quit when I though the ironclad pack yielded one of the characters shown and instead I blew hero points only to get Bagman Spiderman (who should probably just be a 1 star anyways).

Also I notice that for the high level players on GAF a frequent topic arises that once they farm and power cap all the 1 star cast they begin to wane on the game because the drop rate on 2 stars is so low outside of character tournaments. This leads to player frustration as the odds of not only getting a 2star off of a recruit token are low, but the odds of getting a 2 star you need in the color you need is even lower. Factor in the reputation of buying random 2 star covers and you end up with many people whose only reason to keep playing is to level and fish for new characters in tourneys.

I propose setting a 3000iso to 5000 iso pricepoint in the shop to buy random 2 star covers.
+it encourages people to still keep playing often as its a high pricetag to fish for
+it encourages longer life for the game since folks are waning now that they've farmed out the 1 star roster
+it wont yield guaranteed results so its still got the lotto setup thats addictive
+it prevents team stagnation and promotes new teams to be built thus deepening the current meta and popularity

I wont go so far as to suggest the ability to buy specific colors or characters as it would break the "collector" mindset and the addiction of "hunting" for covers if you could just buy iso or farm your way to a character though. It may be feasible once more 3 stars exist to set a 10000 iso pricetag for them but as is the amount that exist is far too low to have such an option. At least in this manner folks who have maxed their 1 star count have a reason to play and folks who simply are eager to build 2 star teams have a high iso goal to aim for that lets them do so. The high pricetag would still encourage playtime and it would alleviate longterm issues of the game waning once 1 stars are farmed out. Plus as the 2 star roster and higher star roster expands it alleviates people farming out this option very easily.


  • IME the gold tokens worth the 125 ISO I sell the redundant **** for. Buying one for 3000 ISO? No thanks.

    I doubt anyone who actually plays the game would buy a single one ever. If you have 3000 ISO it can be spent ways much better.
    And those who invest real $ can buy HP just as ISO, guess you calculated the prices to match.

    I'd rather lobby for tournaments where non-random ** can be obtained. Yeah, we have that already, I mean a little more and covering the full spectrum.

    Oh yeah, I asked that before already: the first step for fair token selling would be to disclose the composition of the set, properly. What is the actual % chance for each cover. Then it can be sold for whatever. Now it's just mushroom management all around.
  • At this point I'm more inclined to buy Iso 8 than HP. Sure, HP seems more valuable but you also really don't need that much. I keep buying roster slot just because I like to collect them, but I can certainly do fine without half of my heroes. On the other hand there are plenty of heroes I am unable to level up to full since I don't have Iso 8s, so I see no reason I'd use what I've the shortest supply of (Iso8) on them. Maybe before shields this would have a point. After having shields, it is quite easy to get covers and the now I'm limited by Iso 8s.